2. with a little help

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On the next morning, I woke up in my bed. I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a few times. The sun light shining through my curtains, hurt my eyes and I closed them again. What happened last night? I remembered, that I drank a lot. In fact, I drank more than a lot. My head was aching and my stomach was upset. I felt sick and as I stood up, I noticed that I was still a bit shaky on the legs. Then my mum entered my room. She chuckled and shook her head, as she observed me, trying to make my way to the window without falling. "Well, honey, that is an uncommon sight." I finally managed to open my window and took a deep breath of fresh air. "What?" She approached me and stroke my back. "Seeing you hung over." I furrowed my brows and folded my arms, like an upset child. "I am not hung over!" She smiled and made her way back to the kitchen. "Well, if you say so, honey." 

A few minutes later I came down the stairs to get some breakfast, but as I smelled the fresh bread and the ham and cheese, I felt like I had to throw up. I coughed and just grabbed a glass of water instead. My dad was already eating and my younger sister was enjoying a cup of hot chocolate. As he noticed me, my dad put away the paper and looked me up and down. "First hangover, son?" I grunted. "I am not hung over." He threw a glance at my mum and smirked. "Well, anyway Taron. I guess I should tell you, that a young man brought you home yesterday. He said, his name's Richard and you'll probably want to call him when you wake up." Now I felt a bit more awake. "What? Really? But how.." My dad tried to calm me down. "Don*t worry, he left his phone number." I quickly grabbed the piece of paper, my father held up and then stormed up to my room. I dialed his number and with every second, I got more nervous. Then he picked up. "Richard Madden here." I haven't really thought of what to say, so I just blurted out: "Uhm, hello. Here's Taron from yesterday at the bar. I hope you still remember me, you said that..." I heard him chuckle. "Slow down, buddy. Of course I remember you," he answered in his scottish accent. "And yes, I also remember that I offered you to help you with your career as a singer. So, what do you say? Do you have time to meet up today?" I rubbed my forehead with my free hand and mumbled embarrassed: "What day is it again?" I heard that he smiled as he answered: "It's Friday." "Well then I have to work today, but as you know, I work at a café, so we could just meet up there. My shift is over at four p.m. The cafè's called "four seasons". "Oh yeah, I know where it is. Perfect, then I'll see you at 4 p.m. Taron." He hung up and as I put my phone down, I could still feel my heart pounding in my chest. Why was I so nervous? Then I remembered his clear blue eyes and his charming smile that made me blush every time I saw it. Wait... Did I really just think that? What was wrong with me? But besides that, it suddenly hit me. I was gonna be a singer! A real singer! Well, probably, but even the chance of earning money doing the one thing I loved most in my life made me happier than anything else. 

3:45. I had the feeling time was standing still. Also Chloes next to me, was already a bit nervous. Obviously, I told her what happened last night in the moment that I saw her. She was really happy for me, but also told me to be careful, since I had no experience in the business world and it would probably be no big task for someone like Richard to screw me over. But something inside me told me, that he was a good guy, even though I might have been a little naive and at this point I wasn't really objective when it came to him. 

Then 4:00. 4:01. 4:02. 4:03. 4:04. 4:05. 4:06. Then suddenly the door opened and he entered the small café. I had already changed from the waiter outfit into my normal clothes and was waiting for him at a small table in the corner, next to the window. "Hey, Taron." I swallowed and stood up. "Hi, Richard." We sat down, but before either of us could say anything, Chloe showed up with her friendly smile. "What can I bring you guys?" I rolled my eyes as she smiled proudly about how professional she was. I ordered a glass of orange juice and Richard wanted a black coffee. He chuckled as I said my order. "Orange juice?" I shrugged my shoulders. "It's refreshing." He nodded, still with a smile on his face. Then he put his elbows on the table and folded his hands. "So Taron, listen. I talked to some guys I know and got you a few gigs in some of the more well known bars and so on here in town. If we get lucky, we'll find a guy who'll sign a deal and as easy as that, we're in business. Now tell me, do you write your own songs?" I shrugged my shoulders slightly uncomfortable. "Well, yes...but I don't know, if they're any good." "Oh don't worry, Taron. I am sure they are great and besides, there's nothing you can't learn. But I have the feeling, we're off to a good start. If everything goes as planned, you'll soon be writing your own album and if that is a success, you don't have much to worry about anymore."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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