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hope this isn't creepy

I changed Carter to Alex I didn't want any directioners to get offended.

[Ashtons POV]

Another day.

I sigh. There's nothing I love more than to slice my wrist.

I walk down stairs and tell my parents I'm going for a walk.

I walk to the store.

I have money so I buy some food and stuff.


"Ice cream. Sandwhich or popsicle." I mummble to myself.


I turn to look at the girl who answered me.

It was Stacy.

"Hey." I say.

I hug her and kiss her cheek.

No one but Alex knows I'm gay.

He knows I'm gay because he's my boyfriend.

I never told my parents because I'm to scared.

My last boyfriend told his parents and his sister found out and told the whole school.

He got depressed and killed himself.

I was never happy again.

Then Alex came and made me feel... New.

I invited him over for a cuddle.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I was driving Alex to your house."

"Hey!" Alex smiles.

"Well I'll go home. I'm really tired." Stacy says.

"Bye." I say as she waves.

"Ohh whipped cream I like where you're going with this." He smirks.

"I was looking at the ice cream. " I blush.

"You're such a babe." He laughs.

"Sandwich's or Popsicles?" I ask.

"How about popsicles and the carton." He smiles.

I frown. That was so much food. I could never eat all that.

And I don't have enough money.

"I'll pay for it. And you don't have to eat it all." He smiles.

My gosh he reads my mind.

Maybe this is my other half.

According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other's sight, as I may say, even for a moment.

He must be.

He under stands he gets me.

He grabs my arm and drags me to the chip isle.

"Hot cheetoes. Yass." He giggles.

"Doritos." I smile.

"Yass. Let's get some cookies." He giggles.

"Okay here's my card I need to go get the pizza or they'll trash it."

"Okay I love you ash."

"I love you to Alex."

I walk over to the pizza shop and see Harry and Louis.

There closer than usual almost like a gay close.

I grab my pizza and walk out hoping they don't see me.

But of course there was Niall, Liam and Zayn.

"Where you going suicidal freak?" They tease.

I ignore them and walk quickly away.

I see Alex waiting outside.

"Hurry I don't want them to see us."

Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn are obviously a group. There called highway.

Stupid name stupid boys stupid everything.

We start running.

I open the car and sit the pizza in the back seat.

"Who?" Alex says.


We sit all the food and drinks in the back of the car.

I drive off.

I did my daily cut right?

I think I did.

I'm pretty sure I did.

I plug in my laptop to my t.v.

So we could watch Netflix.

The perfect night and the perfect man.

We sat and ate and slept.

I love food.

I held his hand and he grabbed me.

"Ow!!"I softly cry.

"I'm sorry babe I didn't mean to."

He grabs my ass and scoots me towards him.

We cuddle and watch the end of the series.

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