Takeover: Las Vegas

Start from the beginning

Cesaro brought me to the crates and out of nowhere HUGGED me, to the point I couldn't breathe.

Cesaro: Is it true? I'm winning the title from you tonight?

Me: It is, man. I thought you would need the title to bring rejuvenate your career in the company. You've been underrated for so long I thought you needed the title rise your stock again.

Cesaro: Man. I'm at a loss for words.

Me: You don't have to say anything, dude. It's all good. Let's just work on our match while in catering. I gotta see Hunter first okay?

Cesaro: Sounds good. We have three and a half hours until our match so let's plan it all there. I'll wait for you.

Me: See you there.

We bro hugged and I went to see Hunter about my match with Cesaro as well as my new entrance music and gear. When they showed me, I was impressed by their design. They gave me a leather fedora, a leather trench coat with a red anarchy symbol. My pants are black leather with chains coming off of them, almost like Rhea Ripley's but the men's version. I brought my boots to match with my new gear. Plus for a neck accessory, I decided to add a huge chain link to the size of a scarf! It was awesome!

Me: This is so sick.

Hunter: You are an Anarchist, right? This is your new gear for future Takeover events.

Me: Thank you so much, Hunter. Is there a video for my new entrance music?

Hunter: There is and I wanna bring you over to gorilla real quick. We haven't made the fans go live yet, I made sure that the music is in gorilla ONLY. Come with me so you can see a preview.

He took me over, sat me down, gave me headphones, and I listened to the theme I wanted:

My God. It was the same song as I remembered when I was teaming with Chris in the Indies.

Me: This is the most epic music I've heard in a long time, Hunter.

Hunter: You approve?

Me: Of course I do.

Hunter: Alright!

Me: Keep in mind, I don't want this played until Cesaro is in the ring and I'm about to enter.

Hunter: Okay, then. You go on to your locker room and I'll let you know when it's time.

Me: Sounds good Hunter.

Hunter: See you in the main event.

I went back to catering after talking with Hunter. And my God I was grinning ear to ear about my new music.

Cesaro: What are you smiling about, Pete?

Me: It's nothing. Let's get something to eat and talk about our match.

We ate and talked about our match but when it was time to get ready, I had to grab my new gear and head on over to my locker room. Of course Kairi went with me to see it and I had to ask her to step out while I dressed.

~15 Minutes Later~

I came out to my new face paint and gear. I walked over to Kairi and she was surprised by how I dressed. The face paint I had was a mockery of Naito's LIJ group in Japan, sending a message to Naito as a way saying "fuck you" to him while paying tribute to my mentor Chris Jericho.

Kairi: Hey- WOAH! That is so cool!

Me: Thank you Kairi. Let's head over to gorilla and show Hunter and Cesaro.

We walked over to gorilla and Cesaro was there as well.

Cesaro: Woah, dude. I've never seen you with paint and that is sick!

Hunter: Son, I love the paint so much. I think it fits your character very well. You two know what you're gonna do in the ring?

Both Me and Cesaro: Yes sir.

Hunter: Then go out there and have some fun.

Both of us: Yes sir.

Cesaro went first and he got a huge ovation and a ton of support. When it was time for me to enter, the lights went out, and my logo was on the titantron, and when "Judas" played, the entire crowd went absolutely crazy. At the line, "I am cold like December snow", I entered to receive a bigger pop.

Renallo: WHAT?!

Beth: Oh! I like this side of the Anarchist!

Phillips: Me too! I love it!

I entered the ring by swiping my feet, taking off the fedora, smiling and then having an angry look as the camera was pointing at me.

Renallo: Guys, this entire getup is a tribute to his mentor who retired from the ring this year: Y2J, Chris Jericho, a fellow Canadian. This is absolutely insane!

The song ended with the crowd chanting "This is awesome!" and "Holy shit!"

Alicia: The following contest scheduled for one fall is for the NXT CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, the challenger, from Lucerne, Switzerland, weighing at 234lbs, CESARO!

The crowd cheered as I was about to be announced.

Alicia: And his opponent, from Toronto Ontario, Canada, weighing at 228lbs, he is the NXT Champion, Peter Reynolds!

The match is about to begin as I was taking my trench coat, my chain scarf, and my fedora as the reff rang the bell.

Time to put over a guy who deserved a push in the first place.

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