Chapter 1: Death

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(hey!!!! thnx for reading!!! so, I do not own Invader Zim!!!! Jhonen Vasquez does!!!! but i do own my oc characters!!! Liv and Kir (ull see later) belong to my friend SnowstarLiv9 fan her! shes awesome! lol btw dont bother me and saying i spelt wrong cuz idc. i tried me best sooo...yep.)

New Beginnings: Faye’s Story

By InvaderRach (Rachel (me))

Chapter 1: Death

          Faye had just returned for a surprise meeting on Irk. She was wearing the usual blue shirt with light blue lines around the edge of the sleeves, dark blue flare pants with the same light blue lines, black boots, and no gloves. Her antenna that drooped down and had a sharp curved ends were almost shaking from excitement. This meeting was being held in the deactivation center. She was horribly late and had just arrived and teleported from her voot cruiser, “shoot! Com’on Flare!” She ran with her sir unit right behind her, “slow down master! Were a bit late but well still be there!” Faye slowed a bit but still kept a fast pace, walking down the large halls and making their way to backstage. Flare sped up next to her, “why are we going backstage? Shouldn’t we sit with the other invaders?” Faye looked at her sir, “the tallest invited me and Jax as guests. I guess all our hard work finally paid off! We did conquer three planets now, after all.” She smiled prideful. Flare rolled his eyes and looked from backstage and back at Faye, “I don’t trust them…you know how they would call you and Jax defects…” Faye scolded him, “what?! That’s true, but now is different! I love Jax! That doesn’t mean I’m a defect!” She sighed and continued, “Anyway, they probably have new respect for us. Please just stay calm. I promise.” Faye smiled and turned to watch from backstage. Flare sighed and stood next to her. Smoke came from the ceiling and the tallest stood on a platform coming from the ground. They waved as the crowd cheered. Faye couldn’t help but smile excitedly. Tallest Red spoke first, “Today we will be upgrading on operation impending doom 2!” Once everyone cheered and quiet again, Tallest purple spoke next, “yes. To do so, we will be deactivating two defects.” The crowd cheered and started to guess to each other who they were. Flare gasped and looked up at Faye who had gone pale, “w-what?” Tallest Red smiled, “yes. One of them hasn’t arrived yet, but she will soon. For now, you get to watch her partner Jax go first!” Faye was about to run onstage but Flare stopped her. A small group of Irken soldiers walked with Jax in chains in-front of them. He was pushed and fell. Faye’s tears streamed down her face, “Jax…my love.” They hooked a machine up to his pack and suspended him, as a TV turned on above so all could see. He squirmed but couldn’t break free. The TV rolled and showed him being born, then at the learning facility, and then during his final training to become an invader. He stood with his traditional green shirt, dark purple eyes, black pants, black boots, and hidden antenna under his black beret. He was shooting at dummies when Faye walked behind him and stared. Her cheeks turned red, “oh…hey. You’re Jax right?” He turned and smiled, “hey. You’re Faye. The girl who can’t shoot.” Faye looked down from the TV, remembering how long it took before she could handle a simple gun. She looked back up through her tears as the TV sped ahead to Jax and Faye’s first kiss. They had been assigned to the same planet and were alone in the alien forest. After showing more embarrassing and humiliating clips, The TV turned off as a jolt of electricity was sent into his pack. Jax struggled and eventually fell, his pack was damaged and let go of Jax. He fell and just barely looked up into Faye’s eyes. Faye cried and looked into his eyes. He mouthed the words, Run Faye. Faye stepped back and watched as the soldiers shocked him, ending his life. Faye started to run as fast as she could to her ship. Flare, close behind, ran ahead and jumped in-front of Faye, “look out!” Faye stopped and watched as a soldier shot him. Faye picked up Flare and ran quickly past. She may not have been the best shooter, but she ran very fast. They got to the ship and flew off. Quickly she flew and finally lost them. Getting away into space.

(ill be doing chapter 2 soon! it may take a while im not sure, but please tell me what you think! srry if it was short. Just go with it.)

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