Battle Of Crown Peak

Start from the beginning

The Tidesinger, Senn, Ria and Thalleous are just outside Crown Peak.

' What's happening here?' Ria asks.

' Dragons,' the Tidesinger answers.

They look up as a dragon flies over them.

They hurry towards the city.


A guard is helping the civilians get to safety. The guard sees them. ' Where are you guys headed!? You have to get away from the city, we’re under attack. Come on, move it people!'

The guard continues on by.

' You two, wait outside the city where it is safe. Thalleous and I can retrieve the Prime Song,' the Tidesinger tells Ria and Senn.

Senn and Ria nod.

' Let's go, Achillean. ' Thalleous motions to the Tidesinger.


Achillean's p.o.v

We're hurrying along. I have my staff out for any signs of possible danger.

' Hurry now, which way?'

' Up here, in the Crownwood.' Thalleous points at one of the houses.

We hurry up the path leading to the Crownwood and reach a rather fancy house.

We knock, but no one responds. We decide to barge. The house is really dark.

' Sulliman?' Thalleous calls out.

We walk inside cautiously and make it into the clearing beside the dining table. 

' Who are you two and what are you doing in my house?'

A man steps into the room, crossbow drawn.

' It's me, Thalleous Sendaris.' Thalleous raises both his arms.

' Thalleous? What are you doing here?' Sulliman lowers his crossbow.

' I gave you the Prime Song to keep it out of the hands of the Voltaris. We need it back, before the Deathsinger finds it.'

' Well… you’re too late for that.'

' I have already found the Prime Song.' a familiar voice calls out.

The Deathsinger walks into the room.

' Ingressus…' I move my staff into an offensive position as Thalleous draws out his sword.

' Achillean, I should have known you would follow me into this next war.'

' The Second Great War has finally begun, and there is no one to stop the Voltaris this time,' Sulliman tells us.

' I trusted you!' Thalleous shouts at Sulliman.

' You wanted to keep the Prime Songs safe. They are safe with me,' the Deathsinger assures Thalleous.

' When the new order inevitably takes control of Ardonia, I will continue to have a place of importance, and not be crushed in a pointless rebellion,' Sulliman crosses his arms.

' You have fewer Prime Songs, less Voltaris, and no allies. We defeated you last time, we shall defeat you again.' I raise my staff, ready to fight.

' We shall see.' Ingressus fires his Agressium Song across the room.

Thalleous pushes me down as the Song goes over us.

Ingressus dashes forward and fires a second barrage, which sends us flying out the window with a loud crash. We land on the outer deck, looking over the burning city of Crown Peak. I look towards Thalleous and realise he's unconscious.

Ingressus walks out the broken window and onto the deck. ' You were wrong about one thing. It is you who has no allies. Where is the Enderking? Are the kingdoms united and ready to fight? When was the last time the Ardoni used the Songs of War?'

The Angel of Death flies down, and lands beside the Deathsinger.

' I myself have re-forged an alliance with the Nether, and they are eager to reclaim the Overworld.'

I slowly stagger and hold out my staff once more.

' Then I will do what I must… to stop you.'

' You know I do not wish to kill you, Achillean. But if you refuse to surrender…'

The Deathsinger trails off and opens his eyes wide.

I turn around as an Enderdragon raises up beyond the deck, an Enderknight on her back, sword drawn and crown donned. It was the Enderking.

/A/N/ Achillean doesn't know it's an Enderqueen yet, so...

The Enderdragon breathes her flames towards Ingressus, who teleports away to safety. The Angel of Death flies backwards a bit.

The Enderdragon touches down. She picks up us up, turns, and soars off over Crown Peak.

I look back as Ingressus hurries back out onto the deck, and watch us fly away.

Third person view

The Deathsinger turns to the Angel of Death. ' Fly back to Pythus. Tell him it is time to begin the invasion.'

The Angel of Death flies away.

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