Igneous VS Malakai

Start from the beginning


The guards escorts me through the Great Hall of Tarturus. 

Suddenly, I see Borgen in the distance. He points to the guards, and I nod, understanding.

He comes towards us and "drops" a pile of pickaxes on the floor in front of us.

' Terribly sorry! Let me just get these out of the way for you!' Borgen leans down.

' Move aside, you clumsy oaf!' one of the guards scold him.

' Not this time.' Borgen kicks the guard, and punches him in the chest, knocking him down.

An archer fires an enchanted arrow at Borgen, but he grabs another guard and uses him as a shield to block the arrow. The arrow hits the guard, and he crumbles to dust.

' Hurry, there’s no time. The tunnel has reached Cydonia and Malakai is personally overseeing the final steps. We have to act now in order to stop them!' Borgen urges me.

' Wait, wait, I gotta get my books! These guys tried to take my weapons but I didn’t have any so they took all my books instead!' I grab a pile of books from the ground next to one of the dead guards.

Borgen helps me grab a few, and we hurry off towards the tunnel.


A Magnorite is loading TNT into the cart, and Borgen punches the side of his face, knocking him down.

He points to two Magnorites.
' You two, wait here and make sure nobody follows us. Igneous and I will do whatever we can to stop them.'

The two Magnorites nod as Borgen motions to me. ' Come on!'

Borgen hops into a minecart and rides off. I shove myvbooks to one of the two Magnorites. ' Watch my books, please!'

I pull the TNT out of another minecart and hops in.


At the end of the long tunnel, Borgen and I get out of the minecart. We hide and watch from the edge of the tunnel.

Borgen sighs. ' There's no way we can take them all on. Fortunately most of the TNT has yet to be placed. Our only chance to save the city is to detonate it prematurely.'

He pulls out a redstone torch.

I stop him. ' Now just wait a second, Borgen. Let me talk to them. I can try to dissuade them from this plan.'

' And if they don't listen?'

' Then I'll be the one to detonate the TNT.' I grab the redstone torch. ' Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm good at talking.'

I wink, pat Borgen on the back, stand up, and walk into the clearing.

I walk up to Malakai. ' Hello there! Good day to you, gentlemen.'

Malakai turns and sees me. ' A little small for a Magnorite?'

' Ah, that's because I'm not from around here. I was born outside K'arthen, and have spent my life as an outcast, being bullied and mocked and…'

' That's because you're a tiny runt,' Malakai says, ' Why didn't you stand up for yourself and fight back?'

' Because… I shouldn't be… We shouldn't be fighting. We need to learn to coexist with whom we share Ardonia with.'

' Coexist?' Malakai scoffs. ' And give others a weakness to exploit?'

' Working together is not a weakness. We shouldn't be blowing up K'arthen, we should be making peace.'

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