Stupid Cops

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March 16, 2014

A brown-haired, white, tall woman sporting a long, black coat and ripped jeans angrily burst through the front entrance of The City police office. As soon as she entered, she walked forward to the reception desk with a speedy step. The building was cramped and very difficult to get past most crowds, mostly people reporting crime in their area. As she finished storming over to front desk, she had attempted to get the receptionist's attention, who was terribly busy assisting someone else. Failing miserablely at that one mission, she turned around and quickly scoured the area for any other people she could speak to. She then walked over to a policeman, tapping him on the shoulder. "Hey, you!"

The officer turned around swiftly to greet her, seemingly quite busy as well. "Hello, uh.. miss. How can I help you?"

"Where is Dylan Pierrson?" She crossed her arms in a frustrated manner, obviously impatient.

The man seemed sort of confused, before realizing the situation. "You must be Olivia.. okay, welp." He pointed loosely to another officer, but strangely more to the man who was next to the man who had been pointed at, he had dark, brown-ish hair and charming blue eyes.

She let out an annoyed huff before setting off, accidentally going to see the other man who most likely couldn't help her. "Hey, look, man. I just want ny brother back, he didn't do anyone any harm."

The person standing infront of her seemed a bit surprised to be suddenly spoken to, afterall. He was just gazing faraway as if he was high or something was not right. "Excuse me?" He had a rich Boston-like accent.

She huffed again, more upset than the last. "Dylan Pierrson." She scoffed. "I'm Ol-iv-ia Pierr-son. Is there only one of you on duty today? Jesus christ.."

"You'd have to talk to him." He nudged towards the person who used to be beside him, but they were now heading near a detention cell. It seemed quite a bit much for just a boy.

"FINALLY." She groaned. "It seems like cops like you are completely incompetent." She began to walk towards the officer.

"... Pierrson, right?" He sounded a tad bit suspicious. "Since we may have to meet each other again, we might as well exchange names. Agent Norman Jayden, F.B.I."

She stopped dead in her tracks, laughing. "The hell is someone special like you doing in this town? Go back to D.C." She then reached the officer and began to speak to him a bit.

Norman seemed quite offended, but he let it go. He just turned around and didn't look back, venturing off else where to do god-know's-what.

Soon enough, Olivia reached Dylan, a brown-haired, white teenager and gave him a hug as he was released from a detention cell. She looked over to the policeman next to them who helped them in this situation with a horrible sneer. "Everything's cleared up right? You okay?"

The boy nodded, he seemed perfectly innocent as his looks led people to believe he wouldn't hurt a fly. "Just take me home.." He was extremely relieved.

She stood up and roughly grabbed his hand. As she walked out of the office, she muttered angrily underneath her breath. "Stupid cops.."

Soon enough, they arrived at a small home parked in a dirty, suburban street. The duo traveled over to the front door where Olivia fumbled embarrassingly with her keys. They both walked inside to the weird sight of an old house, interior styled as if it was either the 50's or 70's. Olivia sighed and put away her coat, revealing a lightly stained, white tee-shirt. "We'll stop at my house for a bit before I take you home, is that okay? You can watch T.V for a bit."

"Alright." Dylan shrugged and hopped over to the living room, sitting onto a springy couch as he flipped on a box T.V with a huge remote.

She then moved over to a small table in the mudroom, slowly taking off her shoes onto a dusty rug as she carefully checked through mail on the table-top. It was the usual bills, scams and of course, friend mail. Once she was finished, she moved over to a framed photo of a family. They all had looked like her and were presumed relatives. Except.. there was a black-haired man who looked absolutely nothing close to the people pictured. Yet he fit in with everyone else as if he was never there in the first place. She shivered for a moment, noticing he had a creepy grin plastered on his face within the frame. She swiftly put down the frame and sat down next to Dylan. "What'd you do." She turned her head to him.

"Well um.." He seemed a bit flustered, turning off the telly and facing her. "I was in Doean's, y'know.. the grocery store? And suddenly after I left, everyone ganged up on me and I got taken away in a police car. Everyone told me I stole something but I didn't do anything!" He laid his head low in shame.

She just sighed gently once more and patted him on the back. "I believe you."


"Yep.. I'll make sure the momster gets a good word from me when we return yah." She chuckled.

He laughed along.

All of the sudden, an aged flip phone rang in her pocket. "Sorry, bud. Gotta take this." She got off of the sofa and walked over to the yellow kitchen, answering the call. "Hello?"

The voice of another woman answered the other end. "This is the local police department, we need you in for questioning."

She seemed a bit confused, afterall they probably didn't know who answered. "Why?"

They hung up before her question could be addressed.

"Hello? H- Goddamnit." She pocketed the phone once more and went to get ready to leave. "Dylan, let's get going."

End Chapter One

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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