🌸when you become friends🌸

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Not my art ⬆

You were already friends

You were already friends

He awkwardly approached you, attempting to start a conversation after you chose your swords ore.
"H-hey, remember me?" The shy blonde nervously said with a tiny wave.
"Oh, yeah, Zenitsu, right? What's up?" You responded.
"N-nothing, i just wanted t-to talk to you..." He answered, his face growing pink. "Say, w-would you maybe wanna be f-friends?"
You looked at him with a slightly confused look, shrugged, then nodded. "Sure, I'd like that." You said confidently as you proceeded to walk away.

You had to bring Peppa pig his medicine. As you walked in the room, you noticed he was the only one in there. So it was just you and him and him and you alone. (Yeah i made a melanie martinez reference, stfu 😾) You tapped his shoulder, causing him to jump a bit.
"S-sorry! I d-didn't mean to scare y-you!" You apologized, afraid he would hate you or something.
"Its fine." Inosuke said, looking away a bit.
"Here, t-take your medicine." You handed him his medicine took a deep breath. "H-hey, if you wouldn't mind...I would like to be friends." Inosuke looked you in the eyes, confused. After a few seconds, he tched and agreed.
"Tch, why not. You seem interesting."

You were never friends ;-;

You would always talk to her every day when she brought you medicine, and even after you had fully recovered you would go to the butterfly estate just to talk to her or help with chores and things like that.
"Heya, Shinobu!" You greeted her joyfully, excited to see her.
"Hi, y/n. Are you hurt again?" She asked, slightly worried.
You shook your head. "Nope! I wanted to ask if you wanted to be friends?" You asked. She nodded. "Sure! It gets lonely here sometimes so it would be great to have some new friends!"

Giyuu (he doesn't get an emoji 😼)
As he was leaving your house, you gently grabbed his wrist.
"Hey...um...if you want...you could come over again for dinner sometime..." You shyly offered.
"So basically you want to be friends?" He answered bluntly.
"I-I didn't say that-! B-but if you want to..." You trailed off.
"Sure. I'll see you next week then." He said, leaving you with a surprised look on your face.

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