A good Morning

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After such a long night of celebrating, sleeping in is a given but, eventually, Sandbar awakens from his sound sleep as the sound of knocking forces its way into his ears. At first, he tries to defend himself against the noisy intruder but, in the end, he acknowledges his defeat. Slowly, he opens his eyes but the moment the first rays of the midday sun reaches them, he shuts them immediately and covers them with his hooves, trying to protect them at all costs. That's when he hears the sound that started this mess. A knock followed by multiple more, increasing in volume and with less and less pause between them.

"I'm up, I'm up! Give me a second", Sandbar shouts before uncovering his eyes again, who luckily got used to the sudden difference in brightness, and getting out of his bed. He walks up to his door and, after unlocking it, opens them just to find himself standing face to face with his favorite creature in the world.

"G-Gallus?", the pony asks, obviously surprised to see him.

He knows that Gallus isn't a morning person so to see him so early and not grumpy is very strange.

"Hey... Sorry for waking you so rudely but it's better when I do it than Silverstream. She was just in my room and asked if I wanted to meet with the others for a late lunch."

"Lunch? Don't you mean breakfast?"

Hearing that word confuses Sandbar even more, especially when combined with the word right before.

"Breakfast?", Gallus asks before he realizes the misunderstanding and begins to chuckle a bit.

"What's so funny?"

"Sorry but it's a tad too late for breakfast, Sandy."

This little comment makes the pony even more unsure but he also feels stupid for asking but, in the end, his curiosity gets the better of him.

"What... What time is it?"

"About 3 pm? Maybe a bit later, not really sure so let's just say about 3 pm."

"3 pm?! How could I sleep so long? That's insane."

"Welcome to my world. But, just so you know, Silver slept just as long. Not really surprising if you think about it. We've been out very late last night after all."

"Oh yeah, the Dance... I remember."

Their eyes meet for a second before Sandbar averts them, his cheek showing a pink coloring as he remembers the experiences he shared with him last night but then he notices a different thing he mentioned twice now.

"Wait, Silverstream was in your room? Why?"

"Oh, that's a bit of a story so", Gallus begins to explain before looking to his left and his right, checking the hallway for any other ponies.

A few stallions are walking either from the bathroom to their rooms or are leaving the floor entirely by walking up the stairs.

"Can I... come in? I feel a bit stupid standing here, to be honest."

"Oh, sure! Yeah, come in!"

This little request captured the pony off-guard and, with an even redder face, he steps aside and gives his boyfriend permission to enter. Another chuckle escapes the griffon's beak as he passes the pony and sits down on the bed, which is still warm from before.

"Like I already said, Silverstream came to my room a few minutes ago and woke me up."

"By banging against the door like a complete maniac like you did?", Sandbar jokes but Gallus, who knows the pony very well, already expected a remark like that so he prepared a comeback.

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