Chapter 1

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"You met the dead end, my darling ~" The man in his 40s smirked showing his crooked teeth while walking slowly to the dark-haired boy.
The boy has been running from him for half an hour now, the man didn't give up at all, and nobody would care if anything bad happens to a low-class male like him.

He sighed, maybe that was his fate, everything that happened in his life has been a terrible fate, him trying to earn money has constantly been difficult.
The God he onetime believed, rejected him, abandoned him with no one to mind enough for his existence, and left him with no courage to live in this harsh kingdom.

"Don't worry, I will not be rough with you, I would never hurt a pretty boy like you-"

"What is going on here?" A new voice interrupted the man and paused the distress the boy felt, perhaps he still had an opportunity, maybe God didn't want to destroy the boy's live yet with more pain.
The guy analyzed the scene in front of him, an aged man with his already unbuttoned shirt and a noticeable boner in his pants holding the boy's hands up above his head by the wall. His frown turned into a smirk.

"Oh my, aren't you Sir Lee? I would never have guessed that such an important person like you would be into young boys, that will be such a fascinating topic for the newspaper and maybe I will have an interesting conversation with your wife too?" The aged man stared anxiously at the guy to which he only chuckled.

"NEVER SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT, YOU SCUMBAG!" The man let go of the boy's hands, he buttoned fast his shirt back with clumsy hands and a frown plastered upon his face, he glared at the 'intruder' and didn't spare any glances at them after he walked back to the alley and arriving into the busy street.

The boy leaned against the wall with a sigh of relief, his gaze shifted to the man who helped him get out of that situation. He was tall with wide shoulders and an expensive suit, he had a gorgeous face and his black hair was slightly combed back.

"Thank you so much for saving me, I don't have any money so I can't pay u back but-" the man stopped him from talking with his hand gesture.

"I don't need to be paid, just tell me your name"

"Min Yoongi..."

"Well I'm Seokjin, I hope you will not get in trouble anymore, Yoongi-ssi"



I heard my father call me from the living room, I barely entered the house and he already had to hear me that I'm home, I will forever have bad luck no matter what, I wanted to go upstairs unnoticed and probably rest for a while, but God was not on my side, as usual. I walked exhausted to the living room where I heard my father yelling my name.

"What do you want?" He glanced at me with a lazy gaze, he peeked disgustingly up and down at my body while drinking from his favorite bottle of wine as he was sitting on the couch only wearing his dirty boxers.

"I will start to work tomorrow" what?


"I found a nice job, I will make some good money in this house"

"What type of job? I hope is nothing illegal..." Probably it is.

"Trust my words for at least once"
Yeah, it's something illegal.

"Please tell me"

"I will steal with my friends from the castle."
I knew he was a dumb human, I always have known that, but now that is too much, he will die.

"What if you get caught?"

"Well, I will not be, and at least I will gain a lot of money from this. You can't even earn a lot of money from selling your body, yet your mother was paid well for this type of job." I tried to stop my tears from falling, that will be the last thing I would want, this man that's supposed to be my father, seeing me more vulnerable than I already am. I don't care if he's going to be executed anyway, he can do whatever he wants.

"I'm not working there anymore, I left the job today" and I was almost raped by a regular customer...

"I will pay the rent after I come back, you should find a job until then, fagot."

I wish I could move from this hell and find a decent job where I will be paid enough money to live properly. Soon, yoongi, you will soon...


I left the living room and headed upstairs in my small room.
I didn't have anything unique in my room...Well, I didn't have anything at all, I only have some folded clothes beside my old mattress, not even a bed...
I lay down on it and I tried to take a nap. Tomorrow I will try to find a job, a decent job, yeah, a nice job like a baker ...or a butler? That will be so nice. Ah so nice... My eyelids slowly shut down from exhaustion and the calm darkness engulfed me in a deep sleep while washing away my worries and sorrow and leaving me with an empty head, and no thoughts...
Oop, I made another fanfiction, I hope everything will work fine with this one.

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