Six Years

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Edited on September 14th, 2021

May 14th, 1987, the day after the full moon was when he finally went to St. Mungo's to see James. His guilt and fear had kept him from going. He found it ridiculous and was ashamed of himself. But he couldn't help it. His insecurities were eating him alive to the point he couldn't go see him. 

Remus Lupin was a tired and lonely man. Ever since that horrid night in 1981, Remus felt utterly alone. Two of his friends died that night, one was sent to the hospital and then was declared to be in a magical coma, and the other had been sent to Azkaban for the betrayal and murder of his friends. That night was when everything Remus held dear had been ripped away from him. 

Remus' body ached as he made his way down the hospital corridor. Full moons have been much worse than they have ever been. The man had gotten a few new scars over the past couple of years from his transformations, and he would never admit how much his scars bothered him. His pride would never allow it. 

When he stepped into the room, he saw his friend lying on the bed. Motionless other than his chest slowly rising and falling. Remus could hear his heartbeat. Remus swallowed hard and walked towards James, and sat beside his bed. The werewolf sighed heavily and held his face in his hands. 

He remembers the night so well, finding out by letter that his friends were attacked by Voldemort. That his friend's wife, a woman he called a sister, had died protecting her son. 


Remus was up north doing work for the order when the attack happened. Before he had received a letter from his former headmaster, he was thinking of his boyfriend. If he could even still call him that after they had both accused each other of being the spy. One of the things he regretted so much. 

He knew deep down it wasn't Sirius. How could it of been? If it were up to him to choose between the three other Marauders, Remus would choose himself as well. Werewolves everywhere were joining Voldemort's side, so how could anyone not think it was him. 

It couldn't be Peter. There was no way. Or at least that's what everyone ignorantly thought. And what he would think until six years into the future. But right now, he had no clue. Until an owl flew in with a letter in his talons. Remus grabbed the letter from the owl and handed it its payment. 

Remus wasn't sure what he was expecting the letter to say, but this was not it. 


I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but earlier this night Voldemort had found the Potter's, and sadly Miss Lily Potter is no longer with us. Harry and James are alive, however. James is in St. Mungo's right now in a coma-like state, and Harry is with Lily's sister Petunia for the time being seeing as James is in no condition and Sirius isn't trustworthy. 

Sirius had been taken into custody after they found him on a blown-up street with twelve dead muggles. I'm sorry Remus, but it seems it was Sirius who was the spy. It is still unbelievable to me personally, and I am asking the ministry to give him a trial to find out what had happened. But alas no one is listening to me right now. 

The rest of the Wizarding World believe James to be dead. The Ministry believes it is the safest option for him at the moment, we are all worried Death Eaters might come after him and finish Voldemort's task at killing the Potter's. 

You may return back home from your mission, seeing as there is no purpose for it anymore. Voldemort has been defeated. No one is sure how, but we can't expect to see him anytime soon. I recommend you go visit James, even though he is not awake. I know he would want you there, Remus. 

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