{Chapter Twenty-Two}

Start from the beginning

She couldn't accept that.

Troy sighed and shrugged in defeat. "Maybe one day you'll find out." He said as he got up from his seat and started walking away.

Hera watched him walk away, not being able to decipher what had just transpired. It was strange, because he hadn't openly spoken to her like that before. They were friends, but she felt that there was something else lingering beneath the surface of their friendship.

It had only been a few days since she had placed the mandrake leaf in her mouth and she was already growing tired of the bitter sensation. There were times where she'd accidentally almost swallow or spit out the leaf, almost ruining her short progress. Hera was determined to see the process go through, and Uncle Lucius was already doing enough to ensure that it went as smoothly as possible.

Even though it was tedious, having to carry the leaf in her mouth for a whole month. Uncle Lucius demanded that she write to him about the progress every second day.

She had expected this to happen. Just like in the Malfoy Manor, she was heavily monitored, even though Narcissa thought she was discreet. It was way too obvious to hide, because she wasn't allowed to do much of what she wanted unless it was with Draco.

Trips to Diagon Alley were always short, and she would have to have a guard with her at all times, including during the days she would go out with her aunt. It was strange but it seemed necessary. When she had started at Hogwarts, she thought she would have gotten more freedom which she eventually did, but Draco was still around to keep an eye on her.

It was nice having time by herself while Draco did his own things but there were times where she just felt... lost.

Elena was around too, but as of late, it seemed she was always busy with something, but she appreciated that she had spared time for her.

Now that she had been given such a daunting task, Hera started to isolate herself from her peers as she focused on the task she had on hand. It was better off without having people's suspicions on her.

Hera found herself staring at the window that looked into the Black Lake. It was peaceful, without any sign of movement. The dungeons was not affected by the rain as much as the other parts of the castle where the other Houses were situated.

She could hear her fellow housemates chattering behind her while she sat on the couch. They knew not to disturb her.

"You know, with that look on your face, one would've thought you were plotting a murder." Came a welcomed voice, as Hera felt someone join her on the loveseat.

"You're more likely to commit homicide than I am." Hera retorted.

Elena nudged her best friend with her elbow. "The rain is terrible." Her hair was damp as if she had just ran through the rain. "I'm lucky that Filtch didn't catch me, I'm pretty sure I left mud prints leading all the way to the dungeons."

"Do you forget that there's a charm that could help you clean up?"

The shorter girl smiled cheekily. "Well, what can I say? I am pretty lazy."

"Oh stop lying, you just forgot the incantation." The two girls laughed, it was normal for Elena to forget most incantations.

It was strange seeing Elena act like a muggle. Doing things that could have been easily solved with magic, but she always brushed it off whenever Hera scolded her for not using her wand.

"I can't remember the spell." "Oh don't waste your time, just let me be." Is what she'd say whenever she was scolded.

Elena was different compared to the rest of her peers, Hera concluded. The way she acted wasn't much like a witch or a wizard that she knew. But it was a welcome sight, to see someone who is so much more different to everyone else who was so monotonous.

The very reason they became friends was because of her strange ways, and she wouldn't have had it any other way.



Okay, so I know it's been so long since I've update this book and I'm here to beg for your forgiveness!

I have just graduated from high school and I'm taking a gap year before I study. Honestly, I've been so lost since I left high school and I didnt know what to do with my life. Is there anyone else who felt like this?

University is so expensive so I decided to do some work to earn some money to at least cover a few costs but working as a freelancer is hard especially when you can't find any customers.

So this is a shameless plug and advertisement. If you are interested in commissioning me to write a book or short story for you and spare a few dollars to my uni fund I'd honestly appreciate it if you clicked on the link in my profile with my fiverr account.

I also do editing and proofreading for authors who do need help here and there.

I would honestly appreciate it. Thank you to all the readers who have stuck with me from the beginning. And waited patiently for me to do updates.

I will try my best to update regularly while I also work on my new original story.

Hear from Hera and Elena soon!

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