{Chapter Twenty-Four}

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Although the days seemed to go by slowly, Cassiopeia-Hera Lestrange was distracted by the bizarre message she found on her bird companion, Crumbs. Someone had gotten a hold of the bird and attached the note onto it. She wasn't sure if the note was truly meant for her, but the single sentence written on the small roll of parchment paper deeply resonated with her. It was because of this, anxiety settled in and she felt like she was being watched wherever she went.

In the Great Hall, Hera sat beside her best friend, Elena Huang, joining the rest of the of their fellow Slytherin housemates for dinner. There was an excited chatter amongst the students, it was already the fifth of December, which meant that soon enough, the Christmas break will arrive. Those who wanted to stay for the duration of the holiday, would be giving their names to their House Heads. Many will be heading to their respective homes, and only a few will be staying in Hogwarts Castle.

Both Draco and Hera was expected to return home for the holiday. The though of returning home made her nervous. There was no way she could avoid Lucius as soon as she stepped foot into the Malfoy Manor. He'd question her about her process, and of course, didn't want to be disappointed to hear that someone may be watching Hera and may know of what she was up to.

Elena watched her friend, stir the soup in front of her absent-mindedly. Usually, she'd be talking with her, talking about the things happening around the castle or the occasional gossip. After she had discovered the truth about Daphne and Blaise, Hera had become more withdrawn and to herself, often secluding herself. She now spent more time in the dorms than she did before, and would often find excuses to stay behind rather than join Elena.

"Hera." She nudged her friend out of the daze she was in. The said girl, blinked and looked at her with a puzzled look. "What?"

"You look out of sorts, are you alright?" She was concerned. Although Hera was quiet in nature, it was strange that she was behaving this way. "What do you mean?"
"I know something's bothering you." Elena started to whisper. "Is it about what we found out the other day?"

"No-" "Miss Lestrange."

The two girls looked behind them to see Professor Snape standing there. He didn't seem all to pleased to be there, but yet again, he always looked like he had been forced to sniff cat waste. "Come with me."

Hera gave a look to Elena, who just shrugged. She stood up from the table, stares lingered at her as she followed Snape out of the Great Hall, making her feel very self-conscious.

At the entrance of the Great Hall, they encountered a woman, thin with greying hair, dressed in red dress robes, waiting for them. Her face was stern, and her lips were painted a glossy red, looking as though she was a burlesque model who aged gracefully. She nodded at Severus, before looking at Hera up and Down. "If any harm comes upon her-"

The woman in red interrupted him. "Severus, you forget who I am."

Hera could feel the glare that Snape directed at the woman. "My office is at your disposal, Yvonne." With that, he turned and returned to the Great Hall.

There were several students now exiting the hall, having finished their dinner and were now heading to their dorms to rest. The woman looked at Hera with her sharp stare. "Come with me."

They walked down to the dungeons, where Professor Snape's office was. Students parted to make way for the woman in red and Hera, who followed behind her meekly. There was a commanding, dominant aura around the woman, and Hera was nervous. She didn't know what was to happen.

Then thought dawned upon her. Was she the one who attached the note to Crumb's leg? Was she there to finally interrogate her because of what she knew?

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