{Chapter Nine}

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Days had turned to weeks and every other house besides Slytherin made it their priority to stay away from Hera. Even so, most of the Slytherin kept their distance from Hera too but praised her. Blaise was the one who had stayed by her side, batting away all the insults that came in Hera's way, making it his job to make sure she doesn't catch word of all the negativity aimed for Hera.

On her way to detention, Hera passed by Neville. She looked at him through her peripherals as he moved away, hiding behind his Charms textbook. Sighing, she entered the library, heading towards the large stack of returned books that were to be put away.

Madam Pince restricted Hera from using her wand to put away the books, so she had to use the rickety old ladder to place the books in the hard-to-reach places. Carrying a rather heavy book, Hera climbed the ladder cautiously, praying that the ladder wouldn't break under her weight or just suddenly shifts. She reached the very top shelf and placed the book in its designated place. She sighed in satisfaction, keeping herself steady on the ladder.

Hera climbed down, forgetting about the faulty ladder step that was loose and splintered. Absent-minded, she stepped down, her foot went straight through the log of wood, trapping her foot and making her fall backwards towards the floor.

She readied herself for the impact but nothing happened as she felt arms catch her through the mid fall. Confused, and her ankle still numb, she opened her eyes. Curly brown hair almost reminded her of Blaise but to no avail, the pale skin tone and piercing blue eyes immediately told her that it wasn't her best friend.

"Are you alright?" Asked the boy. He was no stranger to her, she knew who he was and he knew who she was.  Yet, they barely talked to one another.

Troy Greengrass was his name. The twin of Daphne Greengrass and fellow member of House Slytherin. Hera knew him from all the lunches and banquets that either Aunt Narcissa or someone else would throw over the past few years. They barely talked to each other, as Hera would usually stay by Aunt Narcissa's side while Draco made acquaintances and/or new friends.

"Cassiopeia, are you alright?" His voice snapped her out her train of thought. Hera cleared her throat. "Oh, uhm, yes. Thank you." She stumbled over her words while she was still in Troy's grasp.

Her eyes widened, noticing the close proximity they were in and moved away, nearing herself to the ladder. Her ankle was still lodged between the splintered pieces of wood, piercing into her skin. She felt her sock become damp, while she felt tears prick her eyes from the pain.

Troy kneeled by the ladder, inspecting the damage. "That must hurt a lot." He mumbled quietly to himself.

"Hera?" Hera heard a familiar voice call out her name. Her hair snapped towards the source of the voice, immediately seeing Blaise. "Oh thank goodness, Blaise. Please help." She whimpered, trying to hide the pain.

Blaise's dark eyes darted to Troy, noticing the close proximity he kneeled near Hera. "Wha-" He started to say, but he was immediately stopped by the dark-haired brunette.

"Can't you see she's in pain? Go get some help, Zabini!" Troy barked.

Blaise blinked, sending a look to Troy's back before running off to find Madam Pince. Troy sighed, taking a look at the damage the splintered ladder has caused. He tried to move one piece of wood away, but that was immediately responded with a hiss of pain from Hera. 

"Bloody hell, what on earth were you doing with an old ladder like this?" He asked. Hera kept quiet, trying to keep her tears to herself.

Moments later, Hera sat in the hospital wing, being tended to by Madam Pomfrey. The torn and pierced flesh was slowly being mended together after taking a sip of concoction that Madam Pomfrey had to force down her throat.

It tasted vile on her taste buds, but she wasn't one to complain if it were to help her health. Blaise sat next to her, keeping a watchful eye, while Draco was having a chat with Troy outside the hospital wing.

Madam Pomfrey helped Hera off the cot, "You may have a slight limp, but it will wear off in a few hours or so." The older lady stated, giving Hera a pat on the shoulder.  Blaise helped her to the exit of the hospital wing. 

There was a silence between the two as they walked. Blaise held Hera's hand as she limped all the way to the exit. Draco and Troy immediately turned to the two friends, stopping their conversation. "Are you alright?" Troy asked, his hazel brown eyes hinted worry. 

"Yes, I'm alright." She muttered, looking at Draco. A worried expression was shown on his face, "Let's get our things packed up for the train tomorrow."

The winter snow fluttered in the air as Hera and Draco sat in the carriage across Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, on their way home from having dinner at the home of the Parkinsons. After leaving King's Cross Station in London, the Malfoy family and Hera were invited to have dinner there. 

The food was pleasant but Pansy's constant nagging irritated Hera to great lengths. Every time she would have a conversation with her platinum-haired cousin, she would be interrupted by the pug-faced girl. So, keeping her etiquette, Hera decided to keep to herself. Her ankle had healed quickly, thanks to Madam Pomfrey. 

After returning to the Slytherin dorms, Draco had written a letter to Narcissa and Lucius, explaining the events that had happened earlier. Specifically highlighting the fact that Troy had 'saved' her. Hera scoffed mentally to herself as she read the contents of the letter. Troy did absolutely nothing to help her, she thought. 

They were yet to discuss it. Lucius barely looked at Hera as he talked to Draco about how school was fending out for him. And as usual, Draco complained about the one and only Harry Potter. As they were drawing into the walls of the Malfoy Manor, Hera felt a yawn come up. Holding it down, she was helped out of the carriage and walked to the entrance of the large home. 

Once inside, she took off her black coat, handing it to the house elf. She was on her way to her bedroom in the east wing, when she was stopped by Lucius' voice. "Cassiopeia."

Hera stopped in her tracks, and turned around to face her uncle. "Yes, Uncle Lucius?" 

"After breakfast in the morning, meet us in my office." He drawled with a cold look in his eyes. 

"Yes, uncle." She clasped her hands towards her front, before turning around and walking off to her bedroom. Looking forward to her bed, but a nagging thought stayed at the back of her head. 

What could Lucius possibly want?

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