there was no bed

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they say everything happens for a reason, but this didn't feel like it had much, they weren't getting any closer to the heart or saving etheria, but they kept walking, not like she could go back or even remembered the way back! "ugh how long is this going to take!?! this really was a trap! we're gonna get caught y-" she was cut off "were not getting caught! nobody knows we're hare and i doubt there's any clones here!" "oh you DOUBT! you don't even know!" "well with your yelling you don't seem that concerned, do you want to save m- etheria or not!?"

time jump? idk i'm lazy, this is a oneshot/scrap post!

it was getting dark and they were no closer to getting to the heart so they decided to camp out somewhere in the whispering woods, there wasn't much in the way of places to rest but a nearby cave was enough for one night.

idk how to end this so i'm just gonna say were i was going with it 'they had to rely on eachother for warmth' aka cuddles 

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