chapter 1

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Sabrina's Pov:

Today is Saturday and Michael Jacobs is going to give us the script for this weeks episode. All I know is that josh is going to be in this episode so that means Uriah Shelton is coming back! I love Uriah, he's one of my best friends. Every since the casting directors had us say our lines together we have been best friends, they even said we have great chemistry.

Uriah's Pov:

Last week I got a call from Michael Jacobs saying they needed me to be in an episode of girl meets world. They mailed me the script and I've been practicing everyday. Sabrina and I have a lot of lines together which I'm really happy about because I love to work with her. She's so beautiful and talented. I always had a little crush on her but ever since she started dating Bradley Steven Perry I haven't been really close to her.

Sabrina's Pov:

I walked into the studio girl meets world is filmed at right when I walked in rowan ran up to me.

"Hey Sabrina! Are you excited Uriah is coming back!" Rowan said very jumpy.

"So excited! I missed him so much!"

"Me too! Come on, let's go with the others"

She then dragged me all the way over to the room where the writers write the scripts and I saw Peyton, Cory, Ben, and Danielle sitting down reading the script for this weeks episode.

"Hey Sabrina, your seat is over here" Peyton said motioning me to sit next to him. When I sat next week to him there was a paper standing up on the table that said "Sabrina Carpenter" and the script was right in front of it.

About 10 minutes after I sat down everyone was here. Except for Uriah. I wonder where he is?

"Ok guys, now that everyone is here, I think its time I let our special guest come out. Come on out Uriah!" Michael Jacobs said.

When Uriah came out I ran to him so fast and hugged him so tight.

"I missed you so much!" I said hugging him.

"I missed you to b" Uriah said hugging me even tighter.

"Ok ok, I think its time we got to hug him to" Rowan said pulling me away from him. We stood there for about a good 10 seconds until Rowan couldn't hold it in anymore and she hugged him.

"I missed you Uriah! Your the best TV uncle ever!!!!" Rowan said nearly about to cry.

"Awww don't cry rowboat! I missed you to" he said hugging her then she let go.

"Uriah!" Peyton said walking up to Uriah.

"Peyton!" Uriah said as they gave each other a "guy hug".

Uriah then walked around the room and gave everyone else a hug. August was especially excited to see him.

"Ok, let's get to reading the script. Rowan your line is first" Michael Jacobs said.

"MAYA MAYA MAYA MAYA MAYA!" Rowan said in her high pitched Riley voice.

"What Riley" I said reading my lines.

"My uncle josh is coming!"

"Oh my gosh! No way, stop lying to me!"

"I'm not lying. After school you have to come over to say hi. I know how much you like him."

"But I thought you didn't want me to be your aunt"

"I don't, but your 13, you can't get married, and its just young love"

"Ok that was really good" Michael Jacobs said.

~Skipt to where Sabrina and Uriah have lines~

Maya is now at Riley's house and she just saw josh.

"Hi uncle josh" I said in my Maya voice.

"Maya. Long time no see"

"Yeah, so what have you been up to?"

"School..... Oh and I just got a girlfriend!"

"You what" I asked trying to sound hurt.

"Yeah! She's in my science class and she's funny and very pretty!"

"Oh. Well good for you." I said starting to cry because that's what the script said.

"That was amazing Sabrina! We will continue this script read tomorrow!" Michael Jacobs said as we all stood up ready to leave.

"Wow Sabrina that was amazing!" Uriah said walking up to me.

"You weren't so bad yourself"

"Haha. So how are you and Bradley?" He asked.

"He's been really distant lately but we try to text and call everyday"

"Oh well I hope you get to see him soon"

"Thanks" I said as he walked away.

Thanks for reading the first chapter of my new story!

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