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Choi Lia

After Yuna left we all got up and spent the rest of the day just chilling.Chaeryeong  and Yeji went to the Library to do some home work and Ryujin went to the running track behind the school cause she wanted some fresh air.I walked through the empty halls of the school.I wonder how Yuna is ? i hope she's ok?

Just then I felt a hard grip on my wrist pulling me into a small storage room,it was dark and scary so I screamed as loud as I could but the person put their hand on my mouth to prevent me screaming. "Ahh shhh"the voice said and suddenly the light turned on showing Soobin.He removed his hand away and awkwardly scratched his nape.

"Soobin what the frick?"I said crossing my arms. "Did you forget that I asked you to meet me here after our last lesson?"He said crossing his arms. "Ohh yhh aish Sorry I was a bit busy"I said putting my arms around his neck and his hands landed on my waist He pout cutely making me pinch his cheeks, "aww is my little Soobinnie mad"I said giggling.

He then smirked slightly raising an eyebrow saying "a kiss would make him better".He leaned in closing his eyes,i then quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek pulling away laughing.He sulked "Yah uhhggg I wanna kiss"He wined grabbing my hands and jumping up and down.I laughed at his cuteness "no"I said and he gave a me a stank face making me laugh even more.

"Anyway why did ask me to meet you here ?"I asked. There was silence,and he looked down, "I-i umm wanted to ask you something"he fiddled with his fingers, "k go on"I said. He stared down at his fingers before saying "h-how did you die ?".I stood staring at him then I looked down to my feet.how I died ? Died.

"Was it when you went on that camping trip with your parents?"He asked making me close to tears remembering. "Or did you even make it there?"he moved closer to me making me walk backwards until I hit the wall behind me."why did you go on that camping trip Lia ?"how do I tell him. "Lia answer me please"He Said making me look up.He looked a bit shocked seeing the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I went there so I could forget about you"I said wiping my tears. "W-why why WHY LIA,WHY DID YOU RUN AWAY WITHOUT TELLING ME,WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE!"He screamed.

"BECAUSE YOU CHEATED ON ME,YOU HURT ME SOOBIN!"I screamed back at him,tears re-flowing down my cheeks. "OH MY GOD  FOR FUCK SAKE LIA "Soobin said punching the wall beside my head making me flinch, "I DIDN'T CHEAT ON YOU!"He screamed into to my face.

"YES YOU DID I SAW  IT RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME,WITH MY EYES SOOBIN"I screamed louder.He moved back rubbing his temples "I was drunk Lia it was an accident"he said firmly

"Well you should of had someone with you,some one responsible"I said moving away from the wall glaring at him. "So your calling me irresponsible?"He said pointing a finger at himself. "YES"I shouted at him.

"YOU KNOW WHAT "He said moving a step closer to me



Hwang Yeji

Me and Chaeryeong walked through the library shelf's.We only had a bit of homework that we finished and now we're just looking for books.

"Hey unnie,I'm gonna check out the fairy tale section"Chaeryeong Said I have her a slight nod even though I wanted her to stay by my side,she hurried away.I looked through the shelf's when I found a book that caught my eye,I grabbed it but I felt a warm hand on my hand.

"Oh Sorry,you can take it"I muttered not even looking at the persons face.
I tried taking pulling my hand away from between the book and the persons hand.when the person grabbed my hand off the book and  then with his other hand put the book in my hand.
"It's ok,take it"they said or shall I say he said.

I muttered a thank you and bowed and was about to walk away when they said "hey wait".I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around. "You're Yeji right ?"He Said making me look up.I froze when I saw it was Yeonjun the guy that got pushed off a building and he's in txt.

"Umm ha-ha Yeah  And your Yeonjun hi"I Said awkwardly .He laughed a little
" your cute"He Said making me turn a bright red. "T-thank you"I said putting a piece of hair behind my ears.



Hold on is that Chaeryeongs voice ? I quickly ran past through and finally got to the fairytale section and I saw Chaeryeong and one of the boys from txt I think Taehyun arguing over a book.

"LET GO"Taehyun wined pulling the book closer to him. "NO YOU GIVE IT BACK"Chaeryeong pulled the book closer to her.Before the book could break in half ,Yeonjun got involved.
"Hey hey guys the books gonna break,just get another book"Yeonjun Said.The two paused and looked at us.


They both shouted.Just then Mr Kim a tall man with dimples also known as a librarian came towards us "Enough you two,"He Said taking the book away from them "this is a calm and quiet atmosphere and you guys are ruining it please leave"He said pointing to the door.

"B-but sir-"Taehyun begged but Mr Kim wasn't having it. "No,all of you please leave"He Said making Taehyun and Chaeryeong sigh. I grabbed Chaeryeongs arm and Yeonjun grabbed Taehyun and we all left the library.

"Tsk its all your fault"Taehyun said as we walked through the empty halls. "What?no way it was you!"Chaeryeong Said stopping to her tracks and crossed her arms.They started to argue again,I turned to look at Yeonjun who was looking at me.Oh he caught me,I quickly looked away,but why was he looking at me.

Just then we all herd laughter,we turned around to see Ryujin and another boy from Txt called Beomgyu.They we're wearing sports wear and they both looked sweaty .
Just then Ryujin finally noticed us, "oh Heyy Guys"She said and they both ran to us. "Where were you guys?"Yeonjun asked crossing his arms.

"Oh while I was on the track,beomgyu came and we both had like 5 races and obviously I won"Ryujin Said flicking her hair,making us laugh a bit. "Ah yes she won,she beat me so many times"Beomgyu said panting. "Umm girls where's Lia ?"Ryujin asked,I looked at Chaeryeong who shrugged her shoulders, "we don't know she's probably at the dorm"She said.

"Then what about Soobin?"Beomgyu asked, "oh h-he um when to the canteen"Yeonjun said but he looked like he was lying.what does he know?.
"So Yuna hasn't come back?"Ryujin asked and I shook my head.
"Wait where did she go ?"Taehyun asked. "She went down to earth"Chaeryeong Said.

Suddenly the boys looked a bit alarmed.
"Why do you guys look alarmed?"Ryujin asked

"umm because Kai also went there too"Yeonjun revealed.


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