The Fanfiction

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(This is set as if Minecraft youtuber all worked in a combined office complex).

It all started out as a joke. George had got an anonymous message from a fan, asking Dream and George to read a Dreamnotfound fic together and film their reaction. It took George a month to even think about asking Dream if he'd do it, thinking of all the things that could go wrong. George wouldn't have been so nervous if it wasn't for one thing.

George actually liked Dream.

So, when the brit actually got up enough courage to ask him, he made sure to make it sound as little-gay as possible. Very hard to do when you're talking about reading gay porn with the person the story's about. George gulped and walked up to the dirty blonde, who was finishing editing a speedrun. He won't say yes. George thought to himself. George shook his head, well he wouldn't know unless he asked. Here goes nothing. Blushing profusely, George tapped Dream on the shoulder, trying to sound confident.

"Dream? I had an idea for a video..."

So that's how they got into this mess. As shocking as it was, Dream had said that it was a good idea, at least in a way to get them more views on the channel. It's not like the idea hadn't been done before, i mean, Skeppy and Bad had done it, why not George and Dream? I mean, both boys were straight, right?

Or so Dream had thought.

It was around 4:30, and Dream and George were the only two left in the office. Bad had left them the keys to lock up, since both of the boys had been busy shooting other videos and needed to stay late anyways.

"Alright, George. Let's get this over with so we can go home," Dream said with a slight yawn. He was so tired from such a long day at the office. George, on the other hand, was anything but tired. Anticipation and excitement pooled in his stomach as he tried to contain his emotions when Dream pulled up a certain kind of Fic. A One shot. Obviously oblivious to what a one shot truly meant, Dream cleared his throat and began reading out loud.

"George's hand was getting dangerously close to Dream's crotch," Dream read off, his voice sounding slightly hoarse. But he read on anyways. "Dream squirmed in his chair under George's light brushes." George's breath hitched quietly. For the past 7 minutes George had been squirming in his own chair. Whether it was the words themselves or just hearing them come out of Dream, George's body had been heating up into a pool of lust and burning desire. George tried to hide it as much as possible, but it was getting harder to hide the tightness forming in his jeans.

Dream was too busy with his own problems to notice George's growing discomfort. The only thing keeping him sane was the fact that he knew the camera was on him. He couldn't allow himself the moan building up in his throat as he read the erotic words on the screen. He wouldn't allow himself the satisfaction of reaching over to where the brit was and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, tearing those jeans off his lean body...

No. Shit, Dream thought to himself, George was straight and so was Dream. Right?

Dream's inner monologue was cut short when he felt a foreign hand creep up his leg, brushing against him just as the fanfiction implied. He turned his head over to George and saw the brit's eyes were filled with lust. The sight of George like that, for Dream of all people stopped his resolve in it's tracks as Dream pulled George out of his chair and into his lap. George gasped as he was felt his head tugged down so his lips were caught in a fierce battle for domination with Dream's.

George's hands gripped the seat to keep himself from ripping Dream's clothes off right then and their in the office. Dream, on the other hand, didn't have a problem with it as his hand slipped down to undo each button on George's shirt and pants kissing down his neck as he did so.

George let of a hitch of breath as he felt Dream's hand slip down into the edge of his boxers, George's own hands sliding up to grip Dream's shirt as he tried to keep himself from thrusting his hips into Dream's hands.

Who nows how far they would have gone if they didn't hear the subtle click of the door being unlocked.

The boys stared at each other in shock as they realized someone was back at the office. Scrambling to get themselves presentable, the boys almost forgot about the camera set up on the tripod in the far corner of the room. Grabbing it before leaping into his seat next to Dream, George quickly switched tabs into Youtube and clicked a random video as Dream pulled up twitter.

"Hey Dream, George, you guys still here?" Sapnap's voice called out as he walked into the room where Dream and George sat, trying to be as normal as possible.

"How'd the recording go?" Sapnap asked, a slight inflecting in his tone and a grin on his face.

"Okay." "Good." Dream and George replied at the same time, not looking up from their computers. "I bet so," Sapnap replied, trying not to laugh.

"Well, I just wanted to check up on you two... So I'll head out now," Sapnap walked to the door and opened it. Looking back at the two, Sapnap started to walk out, but not before calling over his shoulder at the two,

"You may wanna cover up those hickeys, George."

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