The Pool Party

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It was the day of the pool party, you were bursting with excitement as was Nick because he was so happy to finally see his girlfriend after all he'd been away for a long time and you were just excited to meet miles. You and Nick are already dressed because you are both bursting with joy, you wait for Matt, Jamie and Alex to get dressed and then you head to the car, Matts driving as per usual, Jamie's in the passenger seat and you, Alex and Nick are in the back.

You pull up outside a lovely big White House but it's not as big as you and all the boys nonetheless it's lovely. You seem a man at the door "that's miles" Alex says to you, you reply "He's very well dressed for a pool party isn't he?" "Yeah but that's just miles isn't it" Alex replies. You open the door and get out, you hold the door open for Alex and as he walks out he says "Oh you're such a gentleman" you playfully hit his shoulder and tell him to shut up. Alex ran over to Miles and hugged him, you could tell they were best friends. Miles walked up to you and said "and who is this?" Alex replies for you and says "Juliet, it's Cookies sister" you say "First of all, I'm more than Jamie's sister and I can answer for myself Alex, anyway nice to meet you Miles" you go to shake his hand but he pulls you in for a hug he whispers in your ear "Nice to meet you too, I've heard a lot about you." You're confused but choose to ignore it as you just assume Jamie's spoke about you.

You and the boys where in Miles' back garden and you all decided to go in the pool, as you were walking in the pool you felt someone's eyes burning onto to your bottom you turn around to see Alex and you say to him "Eyes up here buddy" motioning your hand to your face. Everybody was playing waterpolo so you decided to go in a team with Matt and Nick, the other team was Alex, Jamie and Miles. Matt picks you up and puts you on his shoulders to play it, you can see Alex looking at you but you don't say anything about it.

After the pool party you go in Miles' house to dry off but when you go to find your dry clothes they're soaking wet, you run to tell Jamie and he replies "what do yeh want meh to do about it?" You sigh and walk away but you hear footsteps behind you so you turn around it's Alex he says "I can help" he gives you his spare clothes it's a black shirt that says give a damn. You thank him and ask him where the bathroom is, he says "I'll show you" he grabs your arm up the stairs and to the bathroom. You thank him again and he says "no problem."

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