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《This is really cringe and by that I mean the whole story also swearing》


"I was wondering if Argus could drive me to Sally Jackson's apartment" Chiron had a look of confusion before his eyes glinted in understanding before he nudged Mr D

"Very well Annabelle but be back before tomorrow" I smiled  

"Of course" I gave them both a small bow before rushing towards half blood hill to meet with Argus


Annabeth's P.o.v (I stuck at writing smart I am very stupid)

I stopped as I stared at the entrance of the apartment of Sally Jackson

I sighed, what would I tell her? That her daughter was struck with lightning by Thalia because she was mad that Percy proposed to me and didn't ask her? Of course not! That would give her a heart attack, I could say that Percy got injured and had to stay at camp so I came instead? That seems way better

I look towards the elevator and shudder, I look for the stair case that is normally next to...aha there it is

I run over to the stairs and stand on the railing before jumping and grabbing the railing above me and pulling myself up and stand on the railing, I keep doing this until I reach Sally's floor

I open the door to see the regular hallway but something feels off

I make my way up to Sally's door being careful to not make any noise

Just as I am about to knock I hear talking come inside the room

I quickly go to open the door grabbing my key and putting it in the door handle opening it

"Hey Sally sor-" I freeze, there were about three people in the room and none were Sally but what made me freeze was the plastic sheet on the ground with a pale hand sticking out

"What are you doing here" barks one of the people as they all start comming closer

I back up, what am I going to tell Percy? What am I going to tell Camp!? Sally was the mother most of wanted and needed, she was always kind and loving and scary

I felt tears in my eyes and three random people were barking orders at me so I ran

I ran over to the stairwell and since it had a hole in the middle I did the first thing I could think of, i jumped

I heard the screams of the people above and the wind in my hair but two floors above the ground I grabbed a hold of the railing and climbed on the other side of it and started running down the stairs

I reached the lobby and I knew I had tears streaming down my face, I looked around and saw no one that was chasing me so I ran out of the apartment building and towards camp

I ducked into an ally and slid down the wall and just started crying

How would I tell Percy? She hasn't seen her mother in about three weeks and I bet she was still alive a week ago, she is going to blame herself over and over

Wait!? Where was Paul and Estelle?!

I quickly thought back to the scene and tried going over every detail that I can remember

I could faintly see another white sheet behind the couch but not a third and it couldn't have been Estelle because she was only one and the body was way to big to be hers or at least as much as I could see that is

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