My competition

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(Yo hahah y'all what's upppp. So basically, I was bored one day and just thought- "Oh. I should have something to do for when I'm bored." And this happened so heyyyy. Enjoy. Oh yeah ALSO there may be some sudden shifts in POV without warning because I do not know what I'm doing in general so yeah.)


You walked into your house, slamming the door behind you in a rush to get to your room as soon as possible.

"Someone's in a hurry," your mother sighed, rolling her eyes upon hearing the slam of the wooden door. "How was school?" She hummed.

"Good!" You yelled out in response, not looking at her as you rushed up the stairs like a stampede of bulls in attempts to get to your room. You opened your bedroom door, dropped your bag immediately on the floor and kicked the door behind you shut, not wasting anytime it would take to get to your computer.

You turned the device on and stared at the screen attentively, waiting for it to turn on. Ugh, what a slow computer! Waiting for this thing to turn on was like watching grass grow, you should really start saving up for a new one.

You waited a little longer until the screen lit up. You hurriedly entered in your password and it unlocked. Finally! You rushed to open chrome and searched what you needed. Applications were closing in an hour! You had heard about this competition only a short while ago wanted to apply immediately. So naturally, you rushed home to fill the form.

Your fingers finished typing in your details and clicked 'submit form.' Oh, god! You made it! Perfect! You had to grip on to your computer desk in order to contain your excitement, Science competitions were always fun, you couldn't wait to see what the other competitors had done. And, of course, for your title as first place, which meant you would be able to do one of your most favourite things in the world.


You began reading the details about the competition after you submitted the form- it was mostly just rules and when it was. Your eyes skimmed through the text, wanting to get brief knowledge on what she signed up for. Yep, hmmhm, alright. Awesome. Wait... the competition is in 2 days? Oh, that may be a problem.

"Ugh... what should I do?" You whispered to yourself, spinning in your chair. "I obviously need to study... and get a better idea on the topic in general. Well, not that I don't already know." You continued to talk to yourself for at least another 5 minutes, contemplating what exactly you should do for the competition.

It took a while before a solid idea came to mind. "Alright, I'll do that," you finally hummed, looking up at your screen in front of you. "Eh...!" You took a closer look at the bright screen. "Only 5 others competing...? Boring. I wanted to flex properly."

You sighed while standing up. You moved to your door and made your way downstairs in order properly greet your mum and of course, nag for her to drive you to the competition. You stood at the bottom of the staircase, looking to see your mum in the kitchen. A warm smell wafted into your nose, indicating she was cooking dinner

"What's for dinner?" You asked her, smelling something good.

"(F/F) of course!" She grinned. You smiled and closed your eyes, falling into a state of dreamy ecstasy upon hearing the news. But then you remembered- you had another reason to come down.

"Hey mum..." you hummed in a bright tone. Your mum looked at you and raised a brow, knowing you only used that tone when you wanted something. "Can you drive me somewhere in 2 days?" you spoke again.

She turned away and let out a hum. "Depends. Where?" She asked you, turning the stove off.

"You see, I signed up for a competitio-" You didn't even get to finish before your mum had cut you off.

You're my 16, 92, 7 (Senku Ishigami x  fem reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz