❧Mao x Female Reader

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Your PoV

School just finished. As usual, you packed your belongings then prepare to go home.

"Oiiii~ [y/n]~ We're planning to go to shop nearby, wanna come along?", a girl from my class asked.

"Umm, I'll pass.."

"You really like being alone, eh, [y/n]-chan? Well it's okay, tell us when you feel like hanging out with us!", she said while waving her hands at me.

As usual, I go to a nearby cafe. There's no people there. There's only me here at this hour. I then go to place your order.  "Um... One [f/d] please. "

But the waiter is new today, I don't know him. "Coming right away, miss! Please go take a seat, I'll take your order for you later. ", the new waiter smiled at me. His smile is... I don't know what to say, I just like it, eventhough I barely know him.

I shyly nod then walked to the corner of the café, taking out my pen and  music book. After that, I started to write a song while listening to my favourite song.

"Here's your order, miss. ", the waiter placed my [f/d] on the table. "A-Ah, thanks..", I looked up at him, he's so beautiful. I blushed, my way averted from him, hoping he doesn't see my blushing face.

"Eh, you write songs? That's amazing! Can I see them? ". He narrowed the distance of his face and mine, seeing my music sheets.
"These songs are beautiful, miss! You should consider being a producer! "

"P-Producer? ", I stuttered. "No way... I can't do that... ", I pessimisticly said while sweating. I mean, I don't have any experience in this, I only do it as a hobby.

"I mean, these songs are good and it must be pleasant to hear them! Why don't you come to our academy?", he grabbed my hands, making me blush, again.

"Uh... I... "

"Ah, I'm sorry, I was too excited. ", he released my hands then scratched his head awkwardly.

"It's alright.... ", i smiled while fixing my hair.

"But I'm serious about being a producer! Ah, I forgot, my name is Isara Mao from Yumenosaki Academy, nice to meet you! ", he said, offering a handshake.

"I-I'm [y/n], nice to meet you too... ", I shook his hands then smile gently at him.

"What a nice name, [y/n]-san! Well, most people will call you by producer-san or something in the future. ", he smiled then wave his hands at me, heading back to the counter.

A producer huh... I've never really thought about it. If he's from Yumenosaki Academy, then he must be an idol. Isara Mao huh... Never heard of hi- Wait. Is he really that Makes from Trickstar....? Ah.... I didn't notice him with his hair down...
I slowly hit my head. What is an idol doing at a cafe anyways?

"[y/n]-san? Are you alright? ", he looked at me with a worried expression.

"Uh... I'm alright... Isara-san... ", you laughed awkwardly.

"A-Are you really that Isara Mao from trickstar...? I didn't notice you with glasses and your hair down.. ", I said.

"Oh, so you know us? Perfect! We need a producer since Anzu is busy lately, and maybe she needs assistant. Why don't you become one? I'll ask the student council president. ", he explained.

Maybe being an assistant isn't hard, and I can learn from Anzu-san. Well...
"Okay.. Please let me know whether the student council president let me in or not.. ", I said. I don't know why I am so nervous.

"This is just a hunch but.. He'll let you in.. So can I borrow your music book, then show it to him?", he asked.


"Okay, I'll tell him. Let's meet at XXX street tomorrow."


"Ah! [y/n]-chan! Good news! He said he likes your song and you can start going to school tomorrow! He even contacted your previous school and now you can go to Yumenosaki! ", he shouted.

"R-Really? U-Um... I'm not really confident, but I'll try my best! ", I smiled while putting my fist up on the air.

"A-Ah... Sorry.. ", [y/n] idiot. What are you doing--I said to myself.

He chuckled. "You're so cute, [y/n]-san. Well, looking forward to working with you. ", he smiled, exposing his teeth.

Well, I'm not confident, but his smile... Makes me want to work hard.

Yosh, ganbatte, [y/n]!

Request from anime4ever39
I'm sorry this took me so long to write T_T
And Mao is so OOC in this I'm sorry T_T
It's Sunday here so I can finally write happily without worrying about homework.
I'm sorry this so weird----------AGHHHHHHHHHH SORRYYYYYYY

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