Venus // E.D

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Walking into the California lovin' Tattoo Shop wasn't an unfamiliar occurrence for Ethan and Grayson Dolan. Tattoos were always and always would be a way of expressing their creativity other than making YouTube videos. They craved the pain and were addicted to the adrenaline. Today was like any other appointment they had with Dan. The twins would stumble in just after closing, not only did they feel their most creative when the moon kissed the sky, but it also allowed them a little extra privacy away from the limelight and Dan was more than happy to accommodate.

"Boys! What's been goin on?" Dan mumbled from behind the front desk. He looked tired as he counted the endless amounts of cash sitting on the desk in front of him most likely all from today's clients.

"A lot bro" Grayson replied tiredly, his voice deep and husky from his previous bout of sickness. He leaned onto the countertop, head resting heavily in his hand "Keen to get some fresh ink though, release some stress."

"Yeah man, it's been too long since our last visit I'm starting to forget what it feels li...." the sound of crashing metal objects rang throughout the store, interrupting Ethan mid-sentence.

"Son of a Bitch!!" Ethan's ears pricked at the sound of a female voice screaming from deeper within the store. He looked at Grayson with confused, then to Dan who had already at this point started walking towards where the crashing sound was made and back to Grayson. The set of identical twins who some would say we're crazy for believing they shared twin telepathy, both made the decision to curiously follow, even if what they saw next was nothing like what they expected.

"Who was that?" Ethan whispered quietly into Grayson's ear as he shrugged his shoulders, continuing to round the corner deeper into the store. As Ethan looked up he was shocked, she was beautiful, to say the least, no taller than 5'4 maybe, hazel eyes and short light brown to blonde ombré hair. curled slightly, it only just grazed her shoulders. Her short silhouette dressed casually, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a basic white T accompanied by doc martens to complete the effortless look. The T casually tucked into the front of her jeans. She had a glisten of sweat over her body which made her look almost angelic. Her makeup was old and had been smudged clearly from her wiping her face throughout the day. "you're stunning" Ethan thought before he was brought out of hit trance by Grayson slapping his chest a little too hard with the back of his hand.

"Dude stop staring you creeper! Pick your jaw off the ground while you're at it!" he whisper-shouted through gritted teeth, shooting Ethan a glare.

"Fuck! Sorry, Dan, I clipped the stool with my foot and the shit I was carrying just flew everywhere."

"Huh? Cute" Ethan thought to himself. "she's got an accent."

"Boys this is Y/n" Dan introduced the clumsy mess of a girl now trying to fix herself up the quickest she could. "the newest member of the California lovin' team and my right-hand women, she'll be tattooing you both tonight as I've got a backlog of sketches that need to be done" Dan informed the pair of tatted twins as he sits down at his sketching table, pencil in hand he was already starting on the sketches that needed to be done. A dedicated tattoo artist just as much he was a dedicated business owner and longtime friend of the twins.

"Boys! it's nice to meet you," Y/n introduces herself as she began walking over to the pair who looked like fish out of water for the first time in a long time. Usually, the tattoo shop was a place they felt most comfortable in, however that was when they knew the artist. extending her hand out towards Grayson for a handshake, he accepted the gesture as she beamed up at him, revealing her gorgeous smile, almost sinful in its appearance. taking in Grayson in his entirety until she notices the carbon copy next to him once again staring at her intensely.

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