Chapter 2 - Tears...?

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Tennis Ball's POV

I sat under a burnt but large tree. I was panting heavily from running all the way here. I really just need a moment alone for a bit. I looked down at the floor, it was gray and dull. "Hey TB!" I heard BB yell, I saw her running towards me. Then I pictured in my head, Golf ball running towards me with the smile she'd give me. My eyes widen and I felt tears come out.

"Woah! Tennis ball are you okay?" Basket ball asked, I nodded but I knew I really wasn't. "Listen Basket ball... Why is love difficult...?" I mumbled, her eyes widen and got soft. She sat down beside me facing towards me. "Why do you ask that Tennis ball?"

I couldn't say anything to her. All I pictured was Golf ball being here for me. Just get over her TB! She's just a friend, she sees you as a friend! Get the point gosh darn it! I can't get her smile, her laugh, her bossiness out of my head. But why...? Am I really that in love my own partner?

"I-I just can't get her out of head. Why does my love for her have to be so deep?" I asked myself out loud. Tears were flowing out as I just can't face this reality. "What do you mean TB? Your kinda not being uh... Clear with your words here." Basket ball stuttered. I sighed knowing now I dragged myself to tell someone about this personal problem now. Ugh... Screw it I can't deal with this right now.

"S-Sorry... I didn't mean to stutter. But I kinda don't want to talk about it. Its just a bit too hard to comprehend for me now. I really need some time alone." I said standing up. "O-Oh well if you need someone to talk to. You can always talk to me!" Basket ball exclaimed. I was shocked and silent, those were the exact words GB said to me the very first day we met...


My legs were shaking as I came to life. I looked all around me. There were a bunch of objects alike. Leaves, Flames, Coins, Balls and just a whole lot more! It made me so nervous to be around other people. I walked around to avoid conflict. I'm afraid people would hate me...

"Hey! Watch where your going!" I jumped as I looked all around me, no one was there at all.

"HEY! Are you that stupid?! I'm down here!" Someone yelled, I look down to see another ball like me that is legless. But really and I mean really short. He looked like a golf ball. "Oh... Sorry sir-" I mumbled but got cut off. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" I'm a proud female ball you dolt!" She apparently screamed at me. "S-Sorry! Its just your voice is more boyish and not feminine..." I nervously laughed.

She gave me an angered look but then scoffed. "It seems atleast someone I've met. Has some manners for once." She exclaimed, I felt kinda happy that she said that.

"Well... I'm Golf ball, and I assume your Tennis ball. Am I correct or not?" She asked me. I nodded at her and she smiled proudly. "Great! Its nice to have someone to talk to. You look and sound promising, so I'll accept you for now!" She said happily with a joyful smile. I smiled back at her "Thanks! I don't really have anyone to talk to right now. I'm really a bit too shy to talk to anyone like this." I laughed.

She looked at me and held my foot with hers. I looked down at her and she looked up to me and smirked. "Well... if you need someone to talk to. You can always talk to me now!" She giggled, that was the day that I knew we'd be great 'friends'.

-End of Flashback-

I sighed from that ever so precious memory to me. It made me just depressed to remember. Cause I now I'm completely aware that I cannot go back to the time I saw her as a friend. Because I sadly knew that she only was me as a great partner. Nothing more and nothing less.

I was about to go and leave but I hear a familiar scream from a distance. "TENNIS BALLLLL!" my widen as I turn around and fall onto the ground. "YOU DAMN IDIOT! Why did you just run away?!" Golf ball screamed at me. "U-Uh about that-" I tried to say but she cut me off. "Nope! Say that later! We were supposed to be making our new invention! HOW DARE YOU DITCH ME!" She yelled as she scolled me once again.

"S-Sorry I was just a bit upset..." I replied.



"I said, I'm sorry! Is that so hard for you to understand?!" She yelled again, scoffing.

But turning back to me. "Listen... Okay... I'm really sorry for whatever made you offended." She cried out, pouting angrily. I laughed at her cuteness.

"Thanks... We should make that invention now." I replied.

She look up at me and gave me the most cutest and wholesome smile I've ever seen. I'm really happy I'm alive to witness her happiness...

•  •  • E n d. O f. C h a p t e r.


(Words: 1699) (ahah 69 *lipbites*)

Our "Platonic" Relationship - BFB/TPOT fanfic -Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ