Nodding to himself, he stepped into the shower and began methodically going through his normal routine. He washed his hair thoroughly before scrubbing his body with a special soap that's meant to help him feel softer. And once that was done, he reached towards the counter before grabbing the bottle he'd purposely set aside.

A silicone based lube.

Even the sight of it was enough to make him turn red again.

It's not that Harry had explicitly said that he wanted to have sex with Draco tonight, but he knew. Their past few nights spent at one another's flats were enough to see how Harry was slowly building his way towards it, becoming more and more confident and bold in how he touched Draco when they snogged.

And it's not like Draco didn't want to have sex with Harry, he just wasn't sure how. He knew that if he didn't prepare himself, it would probably turn out awkward, and Harry would probably realize that it isn't worth staying with Draco because they aren't compatible.

Taking a deep breath, he squirted some of the lube onto his palm, cringing a bit at the sound the bottle made when he squeezed it. He watched as the clear substance shifted in his wet palm before rubbing it over his fingers and bracing himself against the wall.

He reached back and breached his entrance with one finger, wincing a bit at the pain that came with the sudden intrusion. Gritting his teeth, he rested his head against the tiles before slowly sliding his finger deeper, thrusting into himself as he forced himself to relax.

It took a while, but eventually the sensation waned into mild discomfort rather than pain. Figuring that it was enough, he wiggled a second finger beside the one that was currently sliding into him, trying to force it in as well. It was considerably harder and slightly more painful when he did it, but eventually he managed.

He winced a bit as he felt the skin around his hole cling onto his fingers, the area slightly burning from the stretch. In all fairness to himself, he's never touched himself this way before, so he figured that it was likely to hurt. Still, he persevered, willing himself to relax further until it was slightly easier to thrust both fingers into himself.

The angle was awkward and his arms were beginning to hurt a bit, but he kept going. He continued like that for another few minutes before figuring that it was enough and pulling out, the skin of his rim clinging to his fingers as he did so. He grimaced a bit at the slight stinging discomfort he felt but shrugged it off, reminding himself that he had to get ready in case Harry arrived early.

Thankfully, the food arrived just in time. Draco was plating their dinner when he heard a knock on the door before smiling to himself. Even when he's been given access to the floo, Harry likes to knock on his door and be let in properly so that he doesn't accidentally catch Draco by surprise.

"Harry!" he greeted, beaming a smile towards his boyfriend. Harry smiled back at him before grabbing him by the waist and pulling him towards his chest, leaning in for a kiss.

"I arrived on time, then?" Harry asked, walking towards the kitchen once Draco stepped aside to let him in.

"Yes, congratulations," Draco laughed, rolling his eyes playfully. "Much better than last time."

"I said I was sorry," Harry said, giving Draco an exaggerated pout.

"Merlin, you're annoying," Draco laughed, pressing his face into Harry's chest. "Let's eat already, before the food gets cold."

They both enjoyed their food, talking about their day and catching up with one another; the usual stuff. The only problem was that Draco kept squirming in his seat. It didn't sting like it did when he had just stepped out of the shower, but it definitely felt strange.

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