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Chapter 236: The Complicated Imperial Harem

Deep inside the imperial harem, the old madame had finally understood why she and her grandchild were being held captive within the palace. The emperor was targeting her son because his reputation within the capital had risen to the point where his fame eclipsed the emperor's. The old madame had planned on having Long Heng retire and return command of the army to the emperor upon his return, but the emperor had been one step ahead of her.

A mama that the old madame sent out to gather news returned while the old madame walked around the room with her grandson in her arms. The mama whispered. "Old Madame, Miss Lin... I mean Noble Lady Lin seems to be facing some issues. A few imperial doctors have been summoned, but the problem seems to remain undiagnosed."

"Have you delivered the fragrance pouch?"

"I have. I've gotten a maid to put it under Noble Lady Lin's bed. However, what does Concubine Xiu gain by doing this?"

"Just call her madame. 1 That child has done so much for my son already. I owe her that much at least."

"Understood. What does Madame Xiu stand to gain by doing this?"

"I'm not too sure either, but hopefully we can locate Heng'er by following her plans and arrangements."

"Wa... waaa..." Long Lin reached for the fragrance pouch in the old madame's hand. Bai Xiangxiu had made two, one of which would stay with the old madame.

"What is it? Do you miss your mommy?" The old madame stared at her grandson. After two months, hints of majesty were beginning to form between the child's brows, reminding her of Long Heng. Long Lin had looked so similar to Bai Xiangxiu when he was first born that the old madame already felt pity for young women in the future. But regardless, even if the old madame couldn't quite describe the similarities, she was sure that everyone would definitely be able to recognize Long Lin as a descendent of the Long family at first glance. This was the power of a bloodline! Otherwise, why would her heart melt whenever she took a look at him? She was going to protect Long Lin even at the cost of her own life. If she died... no matter, she'd finally get to see that darned husband of hers again anyway.

Bai Xiangxiu had her fair share of worries too. She'd been borrowing Huo'er's powers to listen in on everyone the whole night and finally grasped a rough idea of what was truly going on. She was incredibly worried after she realized what was happening. This world was really far too chaotic, and the female lead was simultaneously worthy of her pity and a source of pure irritation. The reason? Lin Qianzi was pregnant again. But the kicker was that she was two months pregnant, yet it had only been one month since she'd entered the palace. The emperor was furious when he found out and had personally fed her medicine for miscarriage to get rid of the child.

Bai Xiangxiu had found out about this because of the cactus spines in the fragrance pouch that had been snuck into Lin Qianzi's room. The emperor himself had visited her room that night. Back with Bai Xiangxiu, Huo'er mimicked the emperor's tone of voice. "Lin Qianzi, five imperial doctors have already discerned the truth. Why are you still trying to hide? Are you planning on giving birth to the enemy's child and let him take over Our country?"

"No! How could this concubine possibly dare to do such a thing? I just want to keep my child!" Moreover, there's a possibility that this isn't Commander Lu's child. He only used me a few times and threw me to his subordinates. But these were not words meant for the emperor's ears. No man could possibly want a woman who had been sullied by so many men. The truth would have to remain a secret forever.

"Let me be clear, I do not intend to raise another man's child. If you wish to keep it, you will be banished to Cold Palace for as long as you draw breath. However, if you choose to give up the child, you can remain as my beloved concubine. So tell me. What is your choice?"

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