Dreams Become The Reality Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I can feel his touch on my skin and see his eyes as they watch me. I can't tell who he is or where he is from because I only get to see him in my dreams. It's so frustrating wanting someone so fiercely that I can't breathe and be crushed just to know he is a figure of my imagination.

My name is Shaylee Alston and unlike most I am not normal. I am party human and part fairy. It has never been easy growing up for me having to hide my other heritage. With pale skin tinted with rose never able to tan, almost white blonde hair, eyes the color of amethyst, and the body of a model. The boys would gawk and the girls were always jealous of me. I didn't have many friends and the very few I did have I have had since I was born.

The first day of spring was always my favorite time of the year. Not only did it mean new life sprouting from the ground but it was also the day I was born. I was turning 18! Mom had it all planned out, we went to a coffee shop, then shoe shopping, did I mention I loved shoe shopping, then we hit the mall for a new spring wardrobe.

By the time we reached the house I was so tired I didn't eat much and headed to take a shower. After I was cleaned from the days grime I put away all my presents and sat on my bed. I was flipping through a magazine when the phone rang. It was Jennifer my long time dear friend.

"Happy birthday Shaylee! How does it feel to finally be 18?" Jennifer's voice rang from the other end.

"Awe thanks. You should see all the new things I got today. You will have to come over tomorrow and we will go out." Was my reply.

As we talked for the next half hour I started to get really tired. Not getting much sleep in the past couple months because of the wonderful brown eyes plaguing my dreams were catching up with me. As I hung up the phone I realized I still had one last task to do before I could hunker down into a night of the mystery man of my dreams.

Dear Diary,

I don't know how much more of this I can take. It is driving me insane not to know who he is, where he is from, or if he is real or not. Am I dreaming him up? It all seems so real to me. Is it the fairy part of me trying to tell me someone is coming into my life? I just don't understand. I just wish I had some answers then maybe I could get the dreams to stop. They don't scare me but it is a little unnerving not knowing. I just hope I can sleep a peaceful long nights rest tonight. That's what I want for my birthday.  Off to bed with love, hope, joy, and peace.

Now that task is done I can finally lie down and rest.

Who are you? I called to the mystery eyes looking at me. Still no answer to who he was. I could feel his hands sliding up and down my arms giving me gooseflesh all over my body. Then the eyes disappeared! I don't know where they went and I could still feel the hands. That's when it happened, I could hear him breath. His breathing was steady and right next to my ear. The intense feelings it stirred up in me started to make me nervous. Then he spoke for the first time.

"I have been watching you closely and you are now 18. It is meant to be, you and me, and there is nothing you can do. I will see you soon my love."

I stood there in my dream frozen. Even though he had the voice of a god there was something about him that made the hairs on my neck stand on end. That's when it happened; he sunk his teeth into my neck causing a feeling in me I have never felt before. The best way I know how to describe it was part intense passion and the other part intense fear.

I woke up gasping for my breath to come back to me. That was the worst dream yet. All the others have been innocent in a way but this one took the cake. Am I going crazy? Well the sun was up so no more sleep for me I guess. I made my way downstairs and popped a bagel into the toaster and sat down with my breakfast and juice into a chair.

I started to notice my neck was sore but didn't think anything about it. I went upstairs to get ready for the day. Jennifer was coming over and we were going to spend the day together. She would be here in an hour.

I told Jennifer about the dream I had last night. I should have known I would get the response I got.

"OMG! You are so into some kinky vampire thing aren't you? I knew it! You seem so innocent and sweet. I knew there was a bad side to you." She said.

"There is not! I can't control what pops into my head when I'm sleeping now can I." I said.

"Have you told your mom about your dreams?" Jennifer asked.

"Well no, why would I they're just dreams. They don't mean anything. Maybe I'm reading too many vampire stories."  Well it sounded good when I said it.

"If they felt that real, there's a good chance they might come true." Jennifer said with a sly look on her face. She was somewhat of a wild child but a good friend.

Now I knew that was coming. She always liked a good freak show like my dreams. But we always seemed to laugh about them in the end. We had a full day planned of lunch, shopping and then a movie. We had lots of fun together and yes it wore me totally out.

I was sitting on my bed getting ready to write in my diary when my phone chimed in with a new text message. It was Jennifer. She said Cole just rang her and there were two new kids that were going to be at school tomorrow. Word travels fast in small towns like good ole Valley Falls, KS,  which is where I live. I wonder who they are and how old they are.

Dear Diary,

Last night's dream was the worst ever. I can't believe he bit me and I somewhat liked it. What is wrong with me! Please let me not have any dreams tonight! I don't want to be really tired at school tomorrow. I guess I will go to sleep. Off to bed with love, hope, joy, and peace.

Last night was the best night ever! I had no dreams. No bad, no good, no mystery, no nothing. It was the most wonderful night's sleep I have had in a long time. Jennifer picked me up and we headed to school.

"So, any good dreams last night?" Jennifer asked.

"Surprisingly no I had no dreams. I had a wonderful night sleep last night." I told her.

Her pouting made me laugh. I couldn't help it. We rounded the last corner before we got to the school and that's when it happened. "Jennifer watch out!" I screamed.

She slammed on the breaks just in time. Right in front of her car two guys just standing there looking at us. That's when it hit me, those eyes, I was staring into the same eyes I have been seeing every night in my dreams. My heart started to race and my breathing was almost lost to me.

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