Dreams Become The Reality Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

            When I got out the shower I heard my mom yelling for me. "I'll be right there mom." I hollered down to her from my room. I quickly finished getting dressed and was putting on my shoes when mom peeked her head in the door. She looked very tired and wore out. The stress of her job, and me getting ready to graduate, and now this thing with Ace and dad was showing on her face.

            "Shaylee you need to hurry before your dad gets even more impatient. I was waiting in the car for you. I am not thrilled with this either. I had to take off work for this meeting and I look horrible." Mom said sounding drained.

            "Mom I will call dad and you hop in the shower and do something with yourself. I am sure he will explain. It hasn't been easy for you to take care of everything on your own and I am grateful to have a mom like you. Don't worry dad can just wait." I told her sympathetically.

            She gave me a little nod and headed to her room. A few minutes later I heard the shower start and took that as my cue to call my father. I was not happy to have to call him but he had to give mom a break. She was only human and I was only half fairy. It is not like we have magic or anything to help us along the way. I would if I was a full fairy folk but dad fell in love with my mom and she fell in love with him. It was kind of romantic if you think about two worlds facing challenge after challenge just to be together to make me.

            I called my father and he was not happy at first but when I explained to him how mom was looking these days he understood and backed off. I know he loves her and wants what is best for her but I do not think he sees what she goes through and what it does to her. I worry about my mom a lot these days. She just looks so tired and I wish I could help her but she won't let me get a job. She wants me to focus on school so I can get into a good college when I graduate.

            Mom came downstairs looking a lot better than before. She gave me a hug and said thank you with love in her eyes. I looked up at her with understanding in my eyes and she sighed deeply and hugged me tighter. "Well I guess we should get going. You might want to text your father and let him know we are on our way. Do I look ok for me meeting do you think?" She asked me lastly.

            "You mean do you look ok for dad." I grinned at her adding "You look great mom. Dad will be happy to see you and loves you no matter what you look like." We walked out the door and headed for the car when she noticed the tree at the side of the house. "Oh my god Shaylee what happened to the tree?" She gasped.

            My eyes grew to the size of saucers and I looked at her wondering if I should tell her the truth. When she looked at the horror written all over my face she knew right then and there what happened. "Shaylee no, please tell me that did not happen! What are we going to tell your father? What were you thinking? Was it Ace? Oh please tell me it wasn't Ace!" She said looking terrified.

            "Mom I am 18 years old and almost ready to graduate. And yes it was Ace and it's not like I had the chance to really talk to you about it with everything that is going on with dad today. I am sorry it just happened but I do not regret it. I love him mom and I truly believe he loves me." I said in my defense hanging my head.

            "You will tell me everything on the way to the crossing to Fairygrace. Now get in the car we have to go before it gets even later." Mom said sternly. So on the way to the crossing I told her everything from the first dream to the events leading to the massacre of our tree. She took it a lot better than I thought she would considering she was very unhappy with dad wanting to take me from my world here before I get to go to college. But when I told her I told him I would not go before I was finished with all my schooling in the human world she calmed down.

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