"You're right, and I cannot wait to spend all that time with you." She beamed, before leaning in to press a lingering goodbye kiss to his lips. "See you in a few hours. Make sure you finish packing your bag."

"I'm on it. Good luck with your exams."

"Thanks!" She hollered as she was once again rushing around, snatching up her things along the way out her bedroom door. "Love you!"

"Love you too!" He yelled back, eventually hearing the front door slam shut.

Mike fell back against the pillow, smiling contentedly to himself. It was truly unreal to him just how much he loved his life.

Thinking back to the beginning of the year, he never would've seen this coming. He wouldn't have expected his life to turn into waking up every morning with the girl that he loves beside him, the happiness she brings him getting him through even his most hectic days with a smile on his face.

Everything in his life had somehow fallen into place and he wouldn't change a single thing about it.

Well, there was actually one thing, something he'd been wanting to do pretty much since the moment he first spoke to El.

Sure, it wasn't exactly a serious thought then, but now that he knew her better than he knew himself, it wasn't just a silly thought anymore. It had been living in his mind for awhile now and the longer he laid there thinking about it, the more he realized there wasn't a single reason why he shouldn't go through with it.

He just needed to figure out how and when he would do that, but first he needed to make a trip back to his childhood home. That was awfully convenient too, considering he and El would be doing just that later on that evening, as per his Mother's request.

It seemed that she had grown tired of just hearing about El or saying a brief 'hello' to her on the phone. She wanted to officially meet the girl that had her son so smitten, so she called for a family dinner.

Since they'd both be finished up with school today and had their Saturday off of work, it was the perfect time for it. Really, he didn't know why he hadn't taken her home to meet them sooner, seeing as he had already met her parents awhile ago, but now was as good of a time as any. He couldn't wait for her to meet his family.

Eventually, Mike forced himself to get out of El's bed and put his clothes back on from the night before. He then made his way back over to his apartment, ready to get the day started. After taking a quick shower and putting on some clean clothes, he attempted to eat some breakfast while getting his things ready for their short trip.

He hadn't got too far into packing, before his phone started ringing, which he snatched right up off the bed, not surprised to see who it was calling. He expected one from her at some point, since she was also being called home for dinner tonight.

"Hey, Nancy." He spoke into the phone, before switching it over to speaker so he could continue his packing.

"Hi! You excited about this family dinner tonight?"

"Yeah, I can't wait for everyone to finally meet El, especially Mom. She's going to love her."

"Oh, definitely. I bet she's already stressing over how clean the house is and the off chance that her dessert doesn't turn out right."

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