“ just be yourself like that ” Gun take a look at him Off smiled and continue what he was saying

“ we practiced till day and night for this so don't be nervous it's just adrenaline rush you'll be great on stage in fact everything you do? Is really fine for our babii's they just want to see you enjoy and have fun but if this concert can give you stress and making you uncomfortable like that? Do you think our babii's will be happy? ”

Gun put down his phone thinking what Off just said, Off didn't know what is going on inside Gun's head but he knew that if their Babii's knew that this is the effect of the fanmeet I'm sure they'll cancel it right away, that's how thoughtful their fans are, that is why both of them really are thankful for them.

Gun look at him with a pout then Gun slowly hugged him, Off was taken aback but hug Gun back when he realize that Gun really needs it this time

“ I'm sorry Papii I promise I will not think too much ” Gun mumbles, his face burried on Off's neck. At this moment Off wasn't really paying attention on what Gun is doing his main goal is to make Gun calm down and make him relax before the show starts.
The people inside the room is really quiet , they're just observing how Off and Gun talk and they can't help but give some smile and signals to each other because of what they are seeing. No one in the room dared to take a video of the moment because everyone thinks it's a private time for them that sharing it in public is not really needed.
Now Gun is on Off's lap looking like a baby on Off's arms, while Off just patting Gun's back slowly making Gun calm down.

“ papii ” Gun called head still on Off's neck

“ hmm? ” Off looked at Gun and Gun looked at him too

“ you need something? ” Gun remove his head on Off's neck and sitted comfortably on Off's lap

“  I want coffee ”

“ coffee?? ” Gun nodded. Thankfully the venue of their fanmeet is inside a mall so it's accessible to all Gun's capricious

“ Ok ok I'll buy you one ” Off is about to stand up but Gun shook his head vigorously

“ no! you stay here na? ” Off sighed now Gun is being a baby but it's better this way than the earlier right?

“ fine fine I'll just call someone to bring you your coffee ” Off get his phone and started typing

“ bread too! ” Gun said with a smile Off can't help but shake his head and just smile

“ ok ok a bread too ” Off immediately sent the text and show it to Gun

“ there, just wait and you'll get it okay? ” Gun nodded and smile happily at Off. Off is happy as long as Gun is happy he can't help but just give Gun what he wanted whether it's clothes or a watch it feels like he needs to spoil the boy even though they're not a thing. You can't just resist Gun Atthaphan. What he wants he will get it
that makes Off wonder ‘ Does Gun act like this in front of her girlfriend? Or He acts like a grown man and protect his girl? ’ Off didn't know and he didn't wanna know either as long as he can still do the things that he can do for Gun before? it's fine.
Gun haven't said anything with his girlfriend since that night that Gun crashed in his condo But yeah Gun also said that it was a secret so maybe he didn't want to talk about it that much.

“ aow! Am I in the wrong room? ” Arm said soon as he enter the room where Off and Gun is staying. Off saw him holding the iced coffee and bread that he chatted Arm to bought for him.

“ Gun here's your food ” Off said pointing at Arm, he is busy with his phone again still on Off's lap, soon as he saw what on Arm's hands he immediately stands up and get it

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