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Selozar POV
There it was this place back, here again, I hate everything about this place. Good thing I came again when they're having some event. I had to force myself to enter, I walked inside not wanting to stop and look around I was afraid someone might notice me, I saw a lot of people in front of the stage, I have to get passed them and hopefully, they won't notice me or I could convince one of the guards to let me up there, It's only worth a shot...
I walked up to the guard that was holding people back from walking past the red line in front of him.
"Um good afternoon Mr'' I said. "Good afternoon what can I do for you?'' The guard responded.
I-  the guard had cut me off "wait a minute he said how are you a Petramin, I've never seen you around here?'' " Um I can explain I've been- '' He cuts me off once more."Hey *insert a name* tell Fox or Alone there's a new Petramian here" He says to Fox while walking up the stairs towards him.

A few seconds past and I was told to go upstage. I felt so embarrassed why did I have to come here again? Why didn't Omen come? She's able to come in here without a disguise and leave alive, kinda.
I got up on the stage the first people I saw were Alone and fox. "Hey, guys," I said. I forgot to mention someone else was helping me he was a diplomatic immunity. (We'll call him DI)
"GUARDS! Who is that? " The DistrictBot asked.
I was getting bad feelings about doing this again.

"Who is that and why is he Petramian?" The Districtbot asked again. The bot was catching on to me The hell do I do. "Idk" one of the guards responded it.
The corner of my eye I see Alone stand up from the throne imminently.

Third-person cuz I suck at this

Selozar stood beside Sarunem on stage, Selozar felt uneasiness standing next to his former friend that doesn't remember him at all and see him as an enemy a criminal. "Who are you?" Sraunem spoked out to the unknown Petramian. "Shaun" Selozar responded to the purple female.
"I've never seen a Shaun". Foxicate said
"Shaun who," Sarunem asked the supposably unknown pertramian.
The Districtbot walked over to Selozar/Shaun
The bot had an Error in its system when speaking.
"Aresmons, did you use to know a Shaun ?" Foxicate asked the super-soldier.
"WHO? "Aresmons responded to the Fox
"That Shaun" Foxicate pointed at.
"WHO?" The Solider asked again

Foxicate lead Aresmons to Shaun

"Y'all relax it's just my homeboy Shaun DI," said trying to cover Selozar the best he could so they wouldn't catch on.
"Hey there big guy," Selozar/Shaun said with a different voice
Aresmons walked up to Alone to mess around with the turkey leg he had. "Very nice, you're teeth are very strong..." Alone said to Aresmons who continued to eat the turkey leg. "Whoops," Aresmons said when he realized that it was annoying Alone.

"Dang that selozar sure is...stupid.Nobody likes him". Shaun/Selozar said hoping DI would say something else so it wouldn't be awkward. "Uhhh yeah Selozar is soooo stupid," DI said
"Isn't that obvious?" Sarunem asked still standing there. "Yeah and that Omen girl too" Shaun/Selozar feeling lucky Omen wasn't around or else. "Ikr" DI said who continued playing along. "What a craaaazzzyyy lady am I right," Selozar/Shaun said while nudging DI.
"Shaun is waaaay better than Selozar," DI said.

"I don't think I know a Shaun, Have you people been making another clone?" Foxicate asked While turning to face Alone.

POV Selozar
I have no idea what gave me the courage to just walk up to fox in front of everyone on stage. "I'm gonna get some food I told fox." Why the hell did I tell him out of everyone I should have just stayed where I was at and ask. I'm going nowhere with trying to get the food they'll catch on quick. I swiftly got off stage not wanting to look back at them, some people followed me okay maybe a lot. I sat down at the table it appeared they didn't even bother to fix the kitchen ever since the explosion lazy asses.

"God this food is so much better than what Omen brings in a while as a treat. Oh my goodness". I suddenly realized I said that out loud. "I mean uh Exquisite meal'' I corrected myself quickly.People around me knew It was me. I didn't know what to do run? Leave and call it a day? "You don't know me at all'' I said to the people who kept saying I was selozar I mean I am but not right now I am. "My names Shaun'' I continue correcting them and eating at the same time since the food was very good.
"I've been hiding for ages" I kept telling them.
I had enough talking to these guys, I got up with the turkey leg and walked back to the stage I needed to get this over with.

As soon as I got on stage the Districtbot started yelling "WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT". Fuck the bot found out before all of them except for the people saying it was me. "YOU" I heard the bot yell out. "Shutting down....Rebooting " DistrictBots system said. Dang, this whole time Omen was on the other end of the DistrictBots Connection, guess she heard what I said about her damn I'm in more trouble.

"Districtbot?" I heard Sarunem say. Her presence made me feel terrible about myself like I failed because I did. The bot had finally turned back on "what was I talking about again?" DistrictBot said. Phew, I feel calm again kinda not really...
"Something about waiting" I heard Sarunem respond to the Bot. "The conversation was cleared from hard disk and RAM," Districtbot said. Yep totally Omen on the other end.

I continued eating the turkey leg since I wanted to eat even though it's unnecessary to us pertramians. Again from the corner Of my eye I see Alone stand up from the throne but this time he walked towards me, I felt his hand touch my shoulder. "Hey buddy," he said. As soon as I heard that voice I turned to face him in the eyes "yes?" I ask. "Take a bite of that"Alone said while pointing at the turkey leg "it's top-notch from the earth as well," he said. "Oh yes, quite good A lot better than...nothing," I said. He headed back to sit on that throne like he always does.

"I've been hiding for years," I said trying to change the subject but little did I know doing that was a mistake. "Ever since the invasion, I've only done hiding" is said hoping they'll believe me. I see Aresmons turn to stare at me and quickly looked at Alone. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS" I hear him say to Alone in his loud voice. "What's the meaning of what?" I hear Alone respond to the giant. "WHO IS...SHAUN" Aresmons asked Alone."I dunno" I hear Alone respond quickly to the super-soldier.

I continued looking at the people in front of the stage, till I see Aresmons starting to approach me. I also see Sarunem back away not wanting to get involved with the giant. I turned to see Aresmons who was right in front of me now. "Wassup big guy," I say thinking it sounded cringy as hell. "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?" Aresmons asked me in his loud voice as usual. "Hiding hid for many years!" I respond to him not wanting him to ask more questions. "Guardians couldn't find me, I was hiding under the rubble," I tell him trying to sound confident of what I was saying even tho it sounded stupid.
"And then I found this place..." saying this made me feel like he knew something was off.

"WHAT DISTRICT ARE YOU FROM?" He asked. I didn't know how to respond to.
"Uhmmmm....Two". I answered. "FROM DISTRICT TWO?" Aresmons said. " yes" I responded quickly. I have forgotten that the emperor of district two was dead I don't seemly remember a lot since I was imprisoned here. I tried eating my turkey leg casually turning away from him hoping he'd leave, he's caught on I know it, that caused Alone to leave his seat again.

"WHO WAS THE RULER," Aresmons asked me. "Umm...I don't care for politics, I don't know" I answered him. This may have ticked him off or something. Alone was right behind me making sure Aresmons wouldn't pull something. But he did Aresmons had smacked me with a sword which caused the disguised I was wearing to fall.
"SELOZAR!?" I hear Alone Yell from behind. I also hear DI Screaming "NOOOO! My boy Shaun".

.... They all knew it was me now.

Authors note: I actually don't like how the beginning turned out but here it is hope you guys like it 🥺 also this was kinda a recap lol
edit not me checking over my grammar lol

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