chapter 29

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Finn: Your cousin?
Blaine: Yeah, yeah know family members.
Kurt: *laughs*
Rachel: *wispers in Blaine ear and points to Kurt*
Blaine: *goes over to Kurt and they start talking*
Finn: *gets a text* Meet me at the field - Rach *hops out of bed and runs to the field* Hello?
Rachel: *laying in the grass*
Finn: *lays next to her*
Rachel: Im sorry.
Finn: *looks at her* I should be the one sorry.
Rachel: I shouldnt of jumped away from you like that.
Finn: I shouldnt of ran away from you.
Rachel: I havent been completly honest about my past.
Finn: Like what?
Rachel: Jesse didnt only abuse me mental.
Finn: *confused*
Rachel: He abused me physically to.
Finn: *really mad* What?!
Rachel: *jumps back* Im sorry. D-dont hurt me.
Finn: *calm down* Baby, I would never hurt you.
Rachel: *slowly goes closer to Finn*
Finn: *pulls her into his lap* I would never hurt you.
Rachel: You already did.
Finn: *confused*
Rachel: *put his hand on her heart* I told you I loved you and you kicked me to the curb.
Finn: Im sorry. Im so scared that if I told you that I loved you that you would use it and run over my heart and I could take the pain again.
Rachel: *smiling*
Finn: Why are you smiling?
Rachel: You love me.
Finn: Of course I do.
Rachel: You really love me.
Finn: *kisses her*
Rachel: *kisses back*
Finn: *lays her on the grass and depends it*
Rachel: I love you Finn Hudson.
Finn: I love you Rachel Berry.

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