"Oh come on, its probably-"
But Fred suddenly stopped talking.

"What? What is it?" James stopped rubbing his closed eyes, and opened them to look back at Fred.

"James, come look at this."

James dragged his feet over to where Fred was standing, and looked down at a gold necklace in a box, sitting in front of Fred.

"What is that?" James asked lazily.

" I don't know."

"Then why're you so interested in it?"

"It looks... useful." He seemed hesitant. "Wait, look! There's a note!"

James snatched the note from Fred and read it aloud:

Found this while cleaning. Believe it belongs to you.

"Well that didn't help at all." James said, ungrateful for the useless note. "If we don't know what it is, there's no point bothering."

"We could ask Teddy."

"What? Are you mad?! He'd confiscate it before you could say 'Quidditch'. "

"Why yes, I am mad," Fred started, "and he won't confiscate if we snatch it away fast enough."

"Yeah? And how'd you think you're gonna do that? You're too slow.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Look, do you have any better ideas?"

James struggled with his face for a second.

"Ughh,... fine! Fine! We can ask Teddy. But I'm holding the necklace."

"Deal. But first, let's look for the cloak a little more, maybe we can pull that prank after all."

But just as they started looking again, screeches of 'JAMES! FRED!' Could be heard from downstairs.

" On second thought-"

"That's our cue to go!" James said while walking out the office door.

They walked down the stairs as if nothing had happened, not to draw attention to themselves.

They arrived on the first floor to find everyone staring at them, Teddy in the front of the group, his face slightly red.

"Where were you?" He asked, trying to remain calm.

"Oh nowhere" Fred answered casually.

Quickly, James changed the subject.

"Hey Teddy, what's this?" He said, dangling the necklace off his index finger.

Teddy quickly recognized the necklace, and in an attempt to trick them, said:

"It's nothing. Probably a necklace Harry got for Ginny."

"Then why was it in his office?" Fred said, a small smirk spread across his face.

"YOU WERE IN HIS OFF-" But Teddy stopped mid-sentence, keeping his cool.

"Maybe he wanted to surprise Ginny so he hid in his office." Teddy continued.

"Oh really?" James said, the same grin as Fred plastered on his face.

"Then nothing will happen if I do this?" James said, letting the necklace slip off his finger, fall to the ground, and shatter.

Teddy just stared at the two of them, wide-eyed, and open mouthed, his left eye twitching a bit.

"What did you d-"

But Roxanne never finished her sentence, because just then, a big cloud of smoke appeared. When the smoke vanished, so did all of the kids.

The only thing left in the Potter house, was the quiet.

Word count: 1073

Yes, I know the prank wasn't actually a good prank idea, but it was the best that I could come up with. Anyways, have a good day!


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