A Restart

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I do not own this story or the characters, I'm just borrowing them for a while :)

Shikamaru P.O.V

I think I fell asleep cause when I came to I heard someone screaming insults at somebody and then I started to move. It didnt take long to realise that I was being born. Moments later when I knew I was in the clear I opened my eyes and man was it good to see again.

I looked at my mom and then my dad and I think they looked worried. Mabey its cause I  wasnt crying, I mean come on I'm mentally an adult why would I embarrass myself and cry.

Time skip

Im now three years old and I've been training, at least as much as I can with this child body of mine. I go out at night as much as I can and no one's caught me yet so im in the clear.

Its Monday and I cant sleep, it's to be expected since i wake up near 2:00 in the morning to train and get back around 5:00. I tried to sleep but I guess my body is to awake now. I get out of bed and decide to go outside and lie down on the grass. While I'm laying there the deer start to come next to me and lay down as well.

I close my eyes and surely but slowly fell asleep. When I wake up it looks to be morning around 8:00. I feel my parents chakra get up and start moving, it was only a matter of time before they realise I'm not in my room. Their chakra then starts to feel panicked and worried when they didnt see me in my room, then after a while relieved. They must have spotted me out the window, I then start to feel dads chakra come over my way. I slowly get up to a sitting position and look at him while hes coming out the door. The deer back off a little and dad comes over picks me up and starts to head back inside.

When we get inside he places on a chair before going to another chair and starts staring at the newspaper.

Hours later

I'm at the park walking around when I notice very familiar looking hair, it was Naruto. I think about it for a second, I cant go over and befriend him cause it might change how things will be in the future but I can't just ignore him cause I'd feel guilty. But then again the sage guy did say he'd send me back to fix everything, but he might've just meant to fix it so they didnt die... whatever I'll help Naruto and keep an eye on him from the shadows but only from the shadows. Knowing him if I walk over there and talk to him he would probably try to befriend me and having friends that are children is to much work. Although he does look lonely, but... what a pain I'll just go over there.

No one's P.O.V

Shikamaru walked over and sat right in front of the swing naruto was on. Naruto gave him a confused look before saying "Hi, my names Naruto do you want to play a game?"

Shikamaru looked at him for a minute while cursing his self in his mind. Naruto than took advantage of his silence and grabbed his wrist saying "Let's go play hide n seek!" Shikamaru quickly pulled away and Naruto gave him a sad look, Shikamaru than went to the spot he was sitting in and plopped down while naruto sat on the swing again in complete silence.

Shikamaru unlike his first life didnt talk as much. He was still lazy like always but he didnt talk much because he was always in his thoughts thinking about the future and what he should do to stop them from dying. At first his parents worried for him but got used to it over time. Naruto broke the silence by asking questions and shikamaru would answer with short answers or a nod.

Shiakamarus mom then called for him that it was time to go. Naruto gave a sad look "Are you gonna be here tommorow?" He asked. Shikamaru shook his head no, he felt bad for doing that and wanted to make Naruto feel like he he wasnt alone but he had to remeber that he could only help from the shadows as that would be where hes doing everything else from. He had to remeber that Naruto would make good friends in the future and Shikamaru would probably be one of them. He was in his other life but wasnt sure if he could do that in this life. As much as it pained him Shikamaru turned around and left Naruto there on the swing silently crying to go home with his mother.

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