You nodded at him.

"It looks pretty real to me," Peeta tells him.

"Well, That's the idea," Cinna responds.

"Okay, you ready? Don't be afraid. " He says stepping over to you.

"I'm not afraid." You tell him, partly true.

Cinna guides you and Peeta up to your guy's chariot. You watch as the other tributes start to get into their own as well.

And then everyone is moving and the next thing you know the only thing your sight can see is people cheering.

You look around, seeing the people's faces they all look ecstatic. Your eyes frantically look around until you see a flag with your face on it and the fire behind you.

Unexpectedly you feel a hand grab yours, you pull away looking over at Peeta with a puzzled expression.

"C'mon they'll love it," Peeta whispers to you.

The idea becomes clear and you hesitantly take his hand. He lifts them up in the air, arousing a new wave of cheering.

A smile takes over your face and you grab a rose that was thrown at you, lifting in the air to join your arms. A small glimmer of hope makes its way into your heart.

Cinna has given you a great advantage, no one is going to forget you.

The chariots slowly make their stops and your flames go out.

You see an older man with snow-white hair and a beard step up to a podium.

"Welcome, "He lifts his hands up, signaling for the crowd to quiet down.

"Welcome! Tributes, we welcome you. We salute your courage and your sacrifice." He continues. You glance over at Peeta, he does the same to you before going back to stare at the white-haired man.

"And we wish you, a happy hunger games, and may the odds be ever in your favor." The man finishes.

The chariots begin to move again, heading for the room they were originally in. When you and Peeta get off of them, Cinna, followed by the prep team, along with Effie and Haymitch walk up to meet you both.

"That was amazing," Cinna tells you both.

"Oh! We are all anybody's going to be talking about!" Effie says, a look of pride on her face.

"So brave," Haymitch says looking at you with mock excitement.

"Are you sure you should be near an open flame?" You ask condescendingly to Haymitch.

"Fake Flame. Are you sure you s-, "He trails of his sentence, looking over your shoulder?

You follow his gaze meeting eyes with a buff blonde boy, who's staring at you all.

Haymitch lets out a sigh " Let's uh- Let's go upstairs." He says pointing up for a second. Effie grabs you and Peeta, guiding you after Haymitch.

"So each of the districts gets there own floors and since your district 12 you get the penthouse!" Effie tells you and Peeta excitedly.

+Y/n p.o.v+

Haymitch and Effie guided you to an elevator that rode for a minute before opening doors and showing a huge room.

"That's the living room," Effie tells you and Peeta.

The place was vast. Heck, the living room was bigger than your house back in 12.

Everything had such amazing details. Peeta must have the same thoughts because he was staring with a gaping mouth.

"I know! I know!" Effie says amused at yours and Peeta's expressions.

"Now, why don't you two go get cleaned up, hm?" she advises.

You felt a hand grab your wrist, it was Effie she was dragging you down a hallway and after a couple of seconds of being dragged like a rag doll Effie halted in front of a door, but then promptly pulls you in with her. Deja Vu.

"This is your room, for now. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask." She says happily.

The room is massive. There's a large bed with a night stand, a tv, and a very wide window.

"There should be some clothes for you in the closet and the bathroom is to your right, I can have someone come in and help you undress?" She continued.

"No! Uh..No, thank you. I can undress alone, " you say to her. You would very much like to be alone for a few minutes.

"Oh, alright. Well, come to the dining room when you're ready then." She responds.

"Thank you," you tell her. She smiles at you and then takes to her leave.

Once Effie is gone from your sight you let out a sigh, the day has been seriously draining.

You peel off your boots and set them at the end of the bed before walking over to the bathroom. Just like the rest of the apartment, it's big too.

Removing the bodysuit you toss it into a corner and turning to the mirror you see an array of beauty products you attempt to find something that at least resembled face wash. Finding a light pink bottle that said facial wash, you hastily scrub off the makeup from your face. The scent of the face wash was actually pretty pleasant, it had a strawberry aroma.

After drying your face, you began to undo your hair's braids it took you a couple of minutes to get them all but once they were out you ran your hands through the hair and decide to leave it down. At least to give your scalp a break. You did keep a hair elastic though. Just in case.

Getting out of the bathroom you walked over to the closest and find it full of clothes. Some much too extravagant for your taste. But to your surprise, you found your reaping dress in the midst of them all it seemed to have been freshly washed. You were relieved it hadn't been taken from you.

Veering back to the task at hand, which was to find some PJs, You grabbed the simplest clothes you could find a which consisted of a plain black shirt, gray sweatpants, and a pair of fluffy socks.

Hi! Hope your day has been good.


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