chapter 2

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Regina's POV

What happend to Mary-Margret? Why did Emma say that? I need to stop thinking about it.

Regina decided to go to Granny's for a drink. She ordered some apple cider. When she finished her apple cider Henry entered Granny's, he could see she was upset. ''Mom what happend ?'' Henry asked. ''Nothing important Henry, what happend to Mary Margret ?'' Regina asked Henry.'' She doesn't remember anyone not even mom grandpa  or me, maybe you could help her?'' Henry asked her ''Henry i don't think that's a good idea'' Regina told him. 

''Hey kid, who are you talking to ?'' Emma asked. She walked to Henry when she saw Regina. " Henry get away from her right now do you know what she did !'' Emma yelled. '' Emma i know you you don't like it that i am talking to Henry but he's my son to''. Regina said '' Kid come here we're going back to Mary Margret's place''. Emma said to Henry. ''Emma wait, maybe i can help you to find a solution to the curse'' Regina said a bit despirate. '' I don't want  help from an the evil queen who curses everyone who is in her way'' Emma yelled at her an walked out of the cafe. 

Why did she call me the evil queen she never had called me that. I am not the person i used to be why doen't anyone get that. I changed from the moment Emma came to Storybrooke. After everything that happend to her and her family she never accused me. But why now with this spell i can easily undo. I don't have to be angry too. I understant her if the same thing would happen to Henry i would do the same thing. I need to find out who did this.

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