Chapter 1

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''Gege! Please come to me!''

Shen Wei heard those words again in her dream. She looks around in her dream. She saw that guy with an identical face with her is looking at her with pleading eyes. Shen Wei frowns to see that guy who is always coming to her dreams since she was two years old.

When Shen Wei asked to her father for who is that guy and why is that guy always called her 'gege' (elder brother) instead of jiejie (elder sister) or meimei (younger sister), her father can't say anything. Her father, Mr. Shen also frowned every time Shen Wei asked the same questions about that guy who is identical to her. Year by years, Shen Wei gave up to find the answer from her father. But still she tried to figure out about her dream.

Lately, that dream is frequently coming to her sleep. Even though she just took a nap during the noon or evening, that guy still came into her dream and called her to come to that guy. Shen Wei looks tired lately for not having a good and quality sleep or nap. Finally, she decided to ask a help from her genius friend, Lin to figure out the address of that guy revealed in her dream.

With the help of Lin, they found that address which situated near to the mountain and beach. Lin and Zhu suggested to have a holiday at that place while figuring out about that address house. Not only Lin and Zhu were interested to join the holiday at there, but also the couple of Wang and Sang. Chu was not left behind when he said he wants to be near of his bestfriend, Shen Wei. Unknowingly to Shen Wei that Chu has a feeling for her.

''Gege! Are you coming to me?'' that guy asked in Shen Wei's dream.

Shen Wei nods a little.

''But I am not your gege! Beside, I am a girl, not guy like you. Who are you actually?'' Shen Wei corrected to that guy about her gender.

''You are always my brother, gege! Even though that girl used your body, but you are still my gege! Come to me and I will tell you the rest,'' that guy said.

''What is it that you want to tell me? You are coming to my dreams since I was child. Why? Why me?'' Shen Wei asked again when she saw that guy willingly to talk much for this time.

That guy smiles but a bit sorrow and sad.

''Come to me and I will tell you the rest,'' that guy said before Shen Wei wakes up from her sleep.

''Weiwei?'' Mr. Shen called as he saw Shen Wei is waking up with a heavily sweat on her face.

Mr. Shen is worried to see his only daughter was mumbling in her sleep while tossing side by side and clutching on the bedsheet like his daughter is having a bad dream.

''Father?'' Shen Wei called back as she opened her beautiful eyes to see her father in her blurry eyes.

''Yes, my daughter. It's me, your father. What is it that you dream a while ago?'' Mr. Shen asked with a soft talk.

Shen Wei sighs a little before she shakes her head. Shen Wei rubs her eyes and her sight becomes clear.

''Nothing, father. Just a weird dream like always. Father, two days later, my friends and I will have a month holiday near the Mount Kunlun. We will rent a house at there from Mr. Zhao. He agreed to rent us the house we want,'' Shen Wei told to her father since today she can't talk with her father before her sleep due to her father was back home late today.

''Is this one you wanted to talk to me during dinner?'' Mr. Shen asked.

Shen Wei nods.

''But you were coming home late and I was slept during you were back,'' Shen Wei replied with a little sulk.

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