"Can you smile for me, please?" I asked, fluttering my eyelashes at him. He gave me a warm smile. "Aw, so cute" I said. He laughed.

"Wow Sky, you sure know how to make a guy smile" El joked. We all laughed. El was sitting on Ponyboy's lap, Pony's hands resting on her waist. El had an arm around his neck. They looked so happy together. That's how I imagined all my relationships to be, but they always took a turn for the worst. But the worse experience had to be with Peter. He asked me out in person, something not many guys would do. I said yes, because I thought he really liked me. We dated for about a week, until one day, he asked me to go to the gym after school. I did as told. As soon as the bell rang, I headed over there. It was dark and vacant. I called out his name over and over again, but there would be no reply. I decided to head home, when the lights turned on. My whole 5th grade class was there, laughing at me. I asked what was going on and Peter just told me that he never truly liked me, it was all a prank. He said that I am really stupid to think that he'll ever really go out with a loser like me. I ran home crying, ashamed that I fell for his trick. It was so humiliating for me. I will never forget that time. Never, it is permanently glued into my head. That fucking bastard will pay for what he did to me.

"Oh guys, Buck's having a party this Saturday, supposed to be big, told me to tell y'all" Dallas announced, bringing me back from my bad memory. I finally released Johnny and jumped of the couch.

"We should go" I suggested.

"I don't know Sky, I might have to work late" Darry said.

"Aw, c'mon Darry, can't you take the day off?"

"I don't think I can afford to take the day off" he replied. I looked at him, giving him my best puppy dog eyes ever used, by me.

"Please, for me?" He looked at me, probably trying to resist these cute eyes of mine.

"If I say yes, would you stop doing that?"

"Maybe" I replied. He sighed.

"Okay" he said. I jumped up and down from excitement.

"Yay! El, lets go shopping" I suggested. She stood up.

"I'm totally up for that" she responded. "Be right back guys." With that, we left. We walked all the way to the nearest clothing shop. Instantly, we searched for the perfect dress.

"Hey El" I said.


"What if, we wear masquerade masks, and become the mystery girls at the party?" She popped her head up from behind the clothes.

"We should do that" she agreed. I smiled at the wonderful idea I just came up with. We kept searching and searching. Then, my eye caught something. I reached for it, and took out the most beautiful dress I ever saw. It was a black strapless dress, with a pretty flower design below the waist. I went into the dressing room and tried it on. It was one of those tight fitting dresses, adjusting to the form of my body.

"Hey El, look at this" I said. I walked out and showed her the dress I have found. Her mouth dropped.

"You look gorgeous, Sky" she replied. I smiled. The dress went up to a little above my knees. Perfect, just perfect. I quickly changed out of it, and helped El find one. After searching for hours, we found one. It was short in the front, and got longer in the back. Like as if the dress had a tail. It had a flower design, all along the single strap. The top part, looked tight fitting, which would go perfect for her body. There was a belt on the waist, and from there down, it was blue and flowy. If that's even a word. The top was a black. So yea, I think it would look pretty on her. She tried it on, and when she came out, I was left speechless.

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