“Who said we’re playing a game?” I ask, finally sharing eye contact with him as I slowly raise my eyebrow.

He lets out a laugh, staring firmly into my eyes as if he’s trying to read them, “Ouch,” he winces, slightly grinning. “So where is this boyfriend of yours?” he asks, “I’ve been watching you sit by yourself for what, fifteen minutes now?”

“You’ve been watching me?” I ask whilst slowly shaking my head and staring at him in dismay, “And if you must know, he’s on his way now, in fact he’ll be here any second so if I was you I would leave.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he states, “I want to meet this douche that knocked up my girlfriend,” he says as he leans back into his chair, crossing his arms and glaring at me.

I glance over my shoulder at the people behind me before drawing my face closer to his, “Look, I was not your girlfriend at the time, he did not knock me up and if I was you I would leave right now,” I say in an infuriated lowered voice

He raises his eyebrow as a smirk spreads across his face. He leans forwards, his lips centimetres away from mine as his brown eyes lock into mine, “What would you do if I kissed you right now?” he asks. I suddenly bolt upright, clearing my throat as I swipe a strand of hair behind my ear as my cheeks brighten.

“I would punch you right in the face,” a voice interrupts.  

 I look up, letting out a sigh as the corner of my lips turn upright as my eyes meet Damion’s. He throws an apologetic smile at me before returning his gaze back to Derek, his eyes deepening as his brows clench in annoyance. Derek lets out a laugh, leaning back in his chair and placing his hands behind his head before asking, “And who is this?”

“The question should be who are you?” Damion asks, his eyebrow slightly rising, “And what are you doing sitting with my girlfriend?”

Derek’s face falls, his expression gradually turning into a scowl as his eyes shoots daggers at Damion whilst slowly looking him up and down. “Well I had to keep her company since her so called boyfriend stood her up,” he smirks.

I stand up, retrieving my bag from off the floor as I ask, “Damion, why don’t we just go someplace else?” after seeing the angered expression looming on Damion’s face, his nostrils flaring, his eyes turning into slits as the fix onto Derek’s mischievous, smirking face.

“Yeah, why don’t you and your little boyfriend run along home,” Derek says as he retrieves a cigarette from his pocket, ignoring the no smoking sign planted on the wall as he rummages for a lighter in his pocket.

“No...” Damion says, his head slowly shaking as he says, “Babe, we’re not leaving because of this stupid Jerk.”

Derek’s attention diverts to him, his brows forming into a frown, his hands curling into fists as he slowly stands up, bringing his face centimetres away from Damion’s before murmuring something into his ear with a smug look planted on his face

Damion’s eyes widen as they pierce into Derek’s and within the blink of an eye Damion sends his fist driving into Derek’s ribs, leading him to let out grunt in torment as he staggers backwards. I let out a cry, bringing my hands to my mouth as I watch Derek blast his fist into the side of Damion’s head, allowing a trail of blood to trickle down his face.  Everyone lets out a scream as the two men battle, their eyes widening in horror as Damion hurls Derek onto the floor, crashing through the tables.

“Stop!” I cry, streams of tears gushing down my face as I rush towards the warfare, only to suddenly be hauled back by a stern faced woman. Two men rush from their tables and entangle themselves between the brawl, hauling Damion and Derek apart from each other.

Derek and Damion are held at opposite sides of the room, breathlessly panting as they glare at each other, rage firing through their eyes. The corner of Derek’s bruised lips turn into a self satisfied smirk as he tugs his shoulders, breaking free from the man’s arms and exiting the café.  The café falls to a deadly silence as all eyes turn to Damion and I. I stand still; my eyes drowning in tears as I watch the waiters and waitresses rush towards Damion.

The next twenty minutes happens in a blur. After having his head cleaned up by the owner of the café, who happens to be his mother’s sister, he walks towards me. He comes and takes a seat next to me, but I turn my back towards him. “I’m so sorry Kayla,” he says.

My eyes begin to fill with tears as I say, “I don’t know whether to be angry at you or what.”

“I know, I’m sorry,” he says as he brushes a kiss on my forehead, leading me to lay against his chest, “I shouldn’t have let him get to me.”

“He’s just a...” I pause, thinking of the worst word to describe my ex boyfriend but instead let out a sigh. “Are you okay baby?” I ask as I sit upright, examining the blow to his head. He slightly winces as I touch the red area of his head with the tip of my fingers, before brushing a kiss on it. “Is it better?”

“Much better,” he smiles.

“So much for having a nice dinner together,” I say, letting out a sigh.

“I know, I’m sorry,” he says, “It’s my fault.”

I shake my head, “No it’s not, this wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for Derek being the idiot that he is.”

“I seriously don’t understand how you were with that guy for two years,” Damion says.

I rest my head back on his shoulder, letting out a sigh as I say, “I seriously don’t know either,” I pause, “He was different then; I don’t even know who he is anymore.”


My ending wasn't that great but I hope you still enjoyed it. Please comment to tell me what you think and if you haven't voted already then please vote. Thank you so much for reading <3



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