"We get to vibe here? Sweet!"
DJ Said

"Yep! But we have a full-time scheduele on when we practice!"
Poppy walked to the center of the pod

"Well.......this Place is perfect for Bakin' "
Delta said

Branch drooled

"Soooooo. At sunrise, we shall start practicing!"
Poppy said

Barb looked outside
"Uhhhh Popcorn...."

"Yes Barb?"
Poppy asked

"It's already sunrise!"

"Oh........................................................................Well let's get started!"
Poppy said

(Starships By Nikki Minaj starts to play in the background)

Poppy Started to teach the girls how to walk In a girly way

"Alright everyone, is you want to win a crowd, you should attract them, And the only way to practice it is with....."
Poppy said

She slowly Held up a pair of little heels

Barb's ears drooped down
"Ohhh nooo"

They all practiced walking on heels

"Uhh Poppy?"
Delta asked

"Yes Delta?"
Poppy said

"I don't think heels are a match for me"
Delta said

She began wobbling in her "four Heeled-hooves"

And fell on the other girls

They all wobbled down and Fell like dominoes

Poppy face palmed

Branch,which is standing next to Poppy, slowly turning his head to her, noticing her being a bit like 'him'


Poppy Starting helping the girls on how to be flexible

Legsly was vibing on the side

Poppy saw her and went to her

"Legsly,why aren't you with the other girls"
Poppy asked

"Oh, cause I already know how flexible I am!"
She said

"Oh well, I can see..."
Poppy said

She head back to the other girls

"Hurry up ladies! If your glexible enough, show me a split!"
Poppy yelled

Barb was standing on a broken wood floor
"No, thank, you!"

Until Branch stomped on the other side of the wood floor

It made Barb fling

And landed

She began to yell
"Phew, that was a close one, BOT TOY YOUR SOOOO GONNA GET IT!!!! TONIGHT I OUTTA-"

Until she saw Poppy dropping her jaw

"What, what are you looking at?"
She asked

She looked at herself and noticed her doing a split

"Hey look! I did it!"
She said


Poppy was now organizing each of them

"Now, I need to assign each of you with your own Role"
Poppy said

The girls looked at eachother

Branch walked up to Poppy

"Uuhhh Babe, I think your a little bit overdoing this......."
Branch whispered

"What are you talking about? We are almost there to beating the forest flingers"
Poppy whispered back

"I know but, it's just the second day before the competition and your already giving the girls a hard time"
Branch whisperes again

"Well, i'm doing this for Trollstopia and nothing will stop me!"
Poppy said

"Fine, but if anything goes overboard, don't come to me crying!"
Branch walked out of the pod

Poppy thought of what Branch said

"I guess he is kinda right........But, i'm just doing this to Protect our home!"
Poppy said in her thoughts

She turned back to the girls

"Okay, so first I need someone who can beatbox!"
Poppy said

DJ raised her hand
"Oo-Oo what about meh! You know me when I'm in the mood!!"

"Perfect! Now, a second rap-voice!"
Poppy said

Everyone asked

"You know, someone in the second vocals and a rapper at the same time!"
Poppy explained

"But can't YOU Rap?"
Barb asked

"Welllll I do Rap and Practice second voicing at my pod at the same time!"
Legsly raised her hand

"Good! That means you get the role!"
Poppy said

Legsly said quietly

"Okay, last but not least, the music!"
Poppy said

"Just take me for it!"
Delta said

"Oooooo Sweet! That means you and me Barb!"
Poppy patted Barb's Mohawk

"I dunno......"
Barb shook her head

"Come on Barb! It's simple, we will just sing! Easy as that!"
Poppy said

"Yeah, but Singing In a GiRlY was is my only weakness!"
Barb got grossed out

"Oh please! I can help you face it!"
Poppy held her hand

"Alright! You convinced me"
Barb smiled softly

"Great!!!!!! Now all we have to do is make the Clothes, practice more and We're done!"
Poppy said

"Hope so"
Barb said

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