One Look - Part 3

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"Wow," you blinked rapidly trying to keep tears in. "Okay I know this isn't going to sound that original, but I want to say thank you to the amazing cast. Anna, Blake, Meryl, thank you so much for being the kind people you are and for being great cast mates." You then tried to think of what to say about Chris. The memories flooded in, and you started to shake. You took deep breaths, trying to calm yourself. "Uhm, sorry. Anyways thank you Chris for being such a good director. Finally, I'd like to thank the people who've always been there for me. Charlize, Em." You found them in the audience and smiled. " And thank you to my mom. You were always there for me, even at my lowest. You supported me through everything. I miss you." You looked up. You said your last thank you and walked off the stage. People clapped, and all you could think about was if someone was going to ask what was wrong.

Oscars are over. After party time!

You walked into room and scanned for people you knew. You found Reese Witherspoon and made your way over to her. You two talked for a bit and soon enough you spotted Charlize.

"It was really nice talking to you Reese. I'll see you again?"

"Of course! I'll see you later y/n." With that you smiled at her then walked away.

Charlize greeted you. "Hey y/n."

"Hey," you replied. "Wheres Em?"

"I don't know. I'm sure she'll find us soon," she said with a slight smirk on her face. You suddenly felt hands on your shoulders and someone screamed "AHHH!" You jumped and screamed. You looked behind you with fright with eyes just to see Emily standing there with a huge grin on her face. She literally looked like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. You looked around to see a couple of people looking at the three of you, so your cheeks instantly reddened. You turned over to Emily.

"Oh my god, Em. Why the hell would you do that?"

"Oh come on y/n. It's just for fun," she explained in her wonderful British accent. You rolled your eyes at her, then went to look at Charlize. You went to go speak first, but she ended up beating you to it.

"Hey y/n, what happened on stage?" she questioned.

"What do you mean?"

"Well after you said thank you to Anna, Blake, and Meryl, you started shaking. And before that on the red carpet your smile was erased from your face for a couple seconds."

"Yeah. What happened?" Emily chimed in. You took a deep breath and told them what Chris had done to you. They knew about your father already, but you decided to keep Chris a secret. No one knew about Chris. All they knew was you and Chris dated for over a year, then ended it.

"Well, in the last 6 months of my relationship with Chris...he was abusing me." You quieted your voice to make sure no one around you three could eavesdrop.

"What the fuck. Y/n, why didn't you tell us?" Charlize said.

"Because. I didn't want to burden you guys with my problems."

"Seriously, y/n. You would never be a burden. We love you and care for you," Emily uttered.

"Yeah, y/n. Especially with a topic like this. Is that why you always wore clothes that would cover everything when you went out? Charlize questioned.

"Yes," you admitted. They both asked how it started and they wanted the full truth. So, that's exactly what you told them. The whole truth. You went on for about 20 minutes before you reached the end. You were surprised you didn't burst out in sobs. Maybe a couple of tears here and there, but nothing too big. They both sandwiched you in a hug, and gave you soothing rubs. Em soothed your cheeks, while Charlize your arms.

One Look - Sarah PaulsonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat