"Gross, JB," Mer cringed at her bra just chilling on his desk which is most likely the first thing he sees in the morning. She grabs the things off the desk and runs into the bathroom before she is late for the tenth time in two months.

After changing into her work attire, she fixed her hair into a messy low bun and quickly washed her face with water. Mer decided to put the littlest of makeup on so she doesn't look as bad as she thought she did. Looking through her bag, she realized she didn't have her mascara and toothbrush. She decided she would just run home on her way to work and brush her teeth and finish getting ready.

Mer grabbed a pen and piece of paper for the boys when they wake up so they won't freak out about where she is. She left it on the counter beside an empty beer bottle.

gone to work, love u

be home after 3

clean up the house its disgusting


Mer walked through the doors of the Chateau and down the path to her house. She looked down to the path and watched little tiny lizards and bugs scatter around trying not to be squashed by Mer. As she followed the path, she saw a truck that looked similar to Rafe's.

"Mer," Rafe was pounding on the front door of Mer's house.

"What, Rafe? Holy shit," Mer exclaimed with arms wide in confusion as she was walking up to her porch where Rafe was staring at her with wide eyes and a worried face.

"Where were you?"

"John B's. My dad isn't home and I didn't want to stay by myself," Mer said as she unlocked the door and opened the door for Rafe to walk through.

"Oh," he said as he looked around the house he's snuck into too many times. "Top just said that you used some last night and I wanted to make sure you were okay. Ya know, since the last time," Rafe trailed off.

Mer looked at him and slammed the door behind her, "Yeah, I know, Rafe. I'm fine. Top and Sarah caught me but I only had the leftovers that were too small to sell, so. I'm good."

"I was just making sure," Rafe put his hands on her arms to try to sooth her. "Now, what are you doing today?"

"I have work and then I'm hanging out with the pogues," Mer walked off to her bathroom to finish getting ready. "I can't hang today, bud. Kie and JJ are starting to get mad and question me about where I am all the time."

"Okay, okay. That's fine. I'm gonna go hang out with Top and Kelce," Rafe said as he watched her put on her mascara through the bathroom mirror.

"Okay," Mer picked up her toothbrush and began to brush her teeth but stopped when she saw Rafe checking himself out. "Yes, we all know you're the hottest guy on the island, babe."

Mer was finishing up her shift at work when she got a text.

JB: We're going to the marsh to check out that boat please come

Mer: k, i'm finishing up, i'll be at yours in 30

JB: I gotta run by the Cameron's first but JJ should be there

Mer had five minutes until her shift was over. She worked a snow cone bar across from the beach. Her boss was very lenient and was a friend of her dads, so it wasn't a hard job. Mer liked working there and it was a fun summer job.

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