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"Hello, pogues!" Mer announced herself as she walked into the Chateau with a box of nearly empty Cheez-its

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"Hello, pogues!" Mer announced herself as she walked into the Chateau with a box of nearly empty Cheez-its. Kie and JJ were laying on JJ's bed, which was the pull-out couch that is never put back into the couch. John B was in the kitchen and Pope was probably home.

JJ got up from the couch bed and raced up to Mer. He pulled her into his arms, Mer's arm stiff beside her as she pulled herself back.

"Whoa, watch the Cheez-its dude. I was only gone for like two hours," Mer laughed as she patted JJ on the head. JJ pulled away and went to the kitchen beside John B.

"Where'd you get those clothes? We didn't see you go home?" John B asked as he drank from his beer.

"I ran into Sarah after accidentally ending up on her street. And she let me go to her house and change," Mer explained as she stuck her free hand in her back pocket and kept her head down to the floor.

"Sarah Cameron?" Kie asked as she sat up on the couch bed.

"Uh, yeah. You know Sarah," Mer looked between her friends who were all looking at Kie, who looked pissed. "Hey, uh, where's Pope?"

"Home. Why did you go to Sarah's?" Kie pushed as she stood up from the couch and walked to be in front of Mer.

"After I ran the other way because John B wouldn't slow down," Mer shot a pointed look towards the boy. "I got in the neighborhood and ran into her. She let me use her shower and borrow some clothes," Mer explained as she walked to the kitchen to get a beer and finish off the Cheez-its.

"And what? You said yes?" Kie threw her hands up in angry confusion. Knowing her friend knew her and the Cameron girl were not friends at all.

"Kie, she's still my friend. I have nothing against her. I still don't understand why you two aren't friends anymore and you don't want me to be friends with her. You won't tell me why you hate her," Mer exasperated. "Just tell me what happened."

"It's nothing," Kie shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Mer scoffed and walked outside to sit on the couch on the porch.

After what happened with Kie and Sarah, Mer was already with the pogues. Kie never told the rest what happened during her "kook year" as the boys call it. And Sarah and Mer aren't close enough to talk about shit like that anymore, so Mer never knew what happened between the two.

Mer had gone home after Kie and JJ had left. She figured she needed to check in with her dad and make sure everything was intact for hurricane Agatha that was due to come into tonight, according to John B.

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