author's note

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Okay, I'm calming myself down. I've already written 32 chapters for the entire series, and about 64,000 words...

I can't believe it.

But again, welcome to Blue Moon, Book 3 of the Moon Child Series. Thank you so much to those who have stayed from the very beginning, reading Variiya's journey as she grows to be a better person to get what she's been looking for.

This AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL cover was made by the one and only, brilliant aiceleste. Thank you so much, I love it 😭😭😭💙💙💙

So yeah, I'm just gonna copy-paste my previous author's notes because I'm lazy lmao.

This is the third book of the Moon Child Series. You should first check out the first story called 'Moon Child' and the second 'Fallen Star' if you haven't read it to understand the story.

There will be MAJOR spoilers because this takes place in the first arc (and I guess a bit of the second one) of Season 2.

There are going to be a heck ton of references to other anime, TV shows, movies, EtCeTeRa, eTcEtErA. because I am that geeky and obsessed with other fandoms. I'm going to spoof many scenes and get quotes for some angsty and inspirational parts. Feel free to call them out and facepalm.

Some of the chapters are going to be long AF, some aren't. You have been warned!

This is a Khun x O.C. You may consider this a Khun x Reader if you want. Please proceed with this fanfic with caution and low expectations.

I apologize for any of the grammar mistakes. Feel free to correct me.

The characters and plot do not belong to me but to SIU, author of the Webtoon Tower of God. If you haven't seen it then go read this glorious manwha and watch this beautiful anime.

Of course, my original characters belong to me.


For those who don't really know Tower of God, here are some info, and let me paraphrase and quote from the Wiki:

The Tower is the setting of the entire story. The current king of the Tower is Jahad, who are people from the Outside who managed to climb up to the 134th Floor. Apparently, "the Tower at least 11 times the size of the Earth".

There are 135 Floors to conquer to get your wish granted. There are 3 parts, the Inner Tower, the Outer Tower, Middle Area.

The Inner Tower is where Regulars get selected to climb the Tower. To go to the next level or Floor, they should be able to pass the tests set.

The Outer Tower is also known as the Residential Area. "The cultures of each Floor are all different and the environments, ecosystems and climates all vary."

The Middle Area connects the two main towers, it can be used to travel between the two. People aren't allowed to be born there, however, in this fanfic world, the rulers of the Tower is hiding a secret...

The Outside of the Tower is where Jahad and his warriors originate but little is known about it.

When climbing the Tower, people from the Outer Tower, are selected by the Guardian of the First Floor named Headon. He chooses who seems worthy to him to go up. They are called Regulars.

BLUE MOON~ KHUN X OC: BOOK 3 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now