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It was the end of my shift. The clock struck 2:15pm and I save all of my work before shutting off my dusty computer and pack up my stuff.

I put my bag on my shoulder and am about to walk away until my boss steps out of his office and calls my name.

I groan and turn around faking a slight smile.


"Come here for a minute. I need to speak with you."

I gulp and my hands clench into fists. This is my first time being in his office and I wasn't afraid to lose my job if anything went down.

He walks in before I do making me happy. I wouldn't want to squeeze past him. The thought of it even sent a shiver down my spine.

When I walk in, the office was quite surprisingly cleanly. I'm surprised that his office didn't smell like a farm and look like a crack house.

He throws himself down on his office chair. It looked like it would give out any second now, but of course, with my luck, I wouldn't get the satisfaction of seeing him fall and look like an idiot.

I pull out the chair that was set on the opposite side of his desk. Luckily, the middle of the desk wasn't hollow. If his leg even touched mine, I would involuntarily vomit. Yes, he disgusts me that much...

"Alright. As you may have heard earlier, we have a new worker coming in tomorrow. I want to ask a favor."

I nodded knowing that I didn't have a choice regardless of what it was.

"I want you to help him get familiar with the office and for you two to get acquainted. You don't seem to be very close with anyone at the office. I feel bad seeing you alone at lunch, so I want you to be friends with him. Would you do that for me?"

I show my realest fake smile and nod.

"Alright, that's all! Have a good day."

I quickly get up from the chair and walk to the door. I open it, walk out and I turn around to close it. I glance up to see him checking me out. I close the door while holding back the urge to gag from disgust.

He literally messes up any type of hope I could have had for him to be a good fucking boss. Looks like he's too much of a prick and pedophile to be a decent fucking human being...

I quickly stomp out of the office and out into the hall of the building. Even the hall right outside of our door smelt better.

I make my way down the hallway and to the elevator. I press the down button, but to my surprise, the elevator doors open automatically, and a well dressed man I've never seen before steps out.

He looks at me and smiles before walking down the hall the way I came. For some reason, I was awe-struck. He was so handsome to me. He was exactly my type. Like, EVERYTHING.

I hesitantly turn around to see him fix his blazer quickly before walking into... OUR OFFICE?? Okay, okay! Maybe he's a inspector person...AGH WHO AM I KIDDING-

I get pulled out of my thoughts when I see the elevator door start to close. I frantically press the down button and the doors open back up.

I sigh in frustration and walk into the elevator. I press the lobby and the elevator doors close. The elevator dings before it starts to move down.

I remember the first time I came here. I was so surprised that this elevator actually played elevator music. I've never been in one before until I came to this building.

"Guess that was the first red flag."

I giggle to myself but the smile quickly faded off my face when I realized every red flag that was waved in my face the first day I came here.

"If only I had payed attention..."

I shook my head but was startled when the elevator came to an abrupt stop and the elevator doors opened.

I walked out and the sound of my low heels clicking echoed through the floor. I walk straight to my car and unlock it.

I opened the car door and throw my bag in the passengers seat as I set myself down on the drives seat.

I close the car door and I put my hands on the car steering wheel. I pull out my keys and put it in the ignition, starting my car. Once I put my hand back on my steering wheel, I breathe in a deep breath and scream.

I'm so frustrated with the life I am living. I never asked for this life, neither did I do something to deserve it.

Once I run out of breath, and was no longer able to scream, I rest my head on my steering wheel.

I jump when I suddenly hear taps on my car window. My eyes go wide and I try and calm myself before I lift my head. You got this, calm down.

I lift my head and look to my left, and my soul leaves my body. It was the handsome guy from before. My heart stopped when I see him look at me with both confusion and discouragement.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and roll down my car window.

"You okay? You look to be in a bit of...distress per-say."

"U-Uh...yeahhh, uhm...t-that was...uh..."

I was at a loss of words. His eyes were hazel with a bit of green. Though it was dimly lit, his eyes seemed to glow and could capture anyone's attention.

His eyes captivated me and his stare made me lose track of my words and thoughts. I felt my face heating up so I force myself to look away and I try and calm myself.

"I'm sorry, as you said...just a bit of stress is all...um...sorry if I had startled you..."

I look back at him and I swear I wanted to die in that moment. He had a smirk on his face and examined my face.

The way he looked at me made me feel little...overall...

"His looks could kill..."

To Be Continued...

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