Comic Con And Foster Home

Start from the beginning

The woman gulps in air. Now that Chris could see her much closer, there's something about her features that captivates even if she's wearing exhaustion all across her face.

"He was just doing his job," she says honestly.

"Yes he probably is. But that doesn't mean we couldn't extend a little benevolence to children who merely want a photograph or two." The smile on Chris' face is as genuine as the puzzlement in Bryce's face.

"But what is ben-lence, Mr. Steve Rogers?" the kid inquires.

The woman carrying the boy shakes her head, perhaps of embarrassment or of the randomness of the question... Or both.

"It's kindness," she and Chris mutter in unison. They stare at each other for a while.

He clears his throat. "Anyway, we always have the time to take a picture with all of you. That is if you're still up for it?" His teethy smile is so saccharine it could give anyone seeing it a toothache.

The woman doesn't have to answer because now, all the five children, with their labrador, shriek and bark in agreement. "YES!"

"Let's get you ready, then." He holds two children on his either side as the woman tries to keep pace. He gives her a side glance. "I'm Chris, by the way."

"What American wouldn't know who you are," she says nonchalantly until she realizes, after a good few seconds what his introduction implies. She slaps her mouth with her free hand. "I'm sorry. I'm Rylee." After, she introduces the kids. "This is Bryce, Rhada, Allie, Mateo, and Adrian. And this big fluffy boy here is Hood."

"Nice to meet all your acquaintances," he mutters. They walked straight to the pictorial area just as the last batch are saying their thank yous and goodbyes to Anthony and Sebastian. "We've got one last group before we call it a day." Chris mentions to the two.

When they see the bunch of kids, his co-actors instantly burst into wide smiles. "What a lovely bunch we have here!" Mackie exclaims.

A member of the comic con staff approaches. "We do have to see your tickets."

"Oh yeah," Rylee searches her tote bag and brings out six tickets. "Here, miss."

"You may have a solo picture each and one group picture if you wish or any seven pictures of whatever it is you like to do," the employee says.

"It's the last batch. I think we can do a few more for them," Chris tells the staff.

"Oh no," Rylee butts in. "We don't wanna impose. We'll take the seven pics. I'll waive my solo so they could have two group pictures, if that's alright?"

The staff nods but then mouths 'Whatever' while rolling her eyes, then moving out of the way.

Rylee can sense her standoffishness but doesn't take it against her. She understands the service world completely. The staff may have had a long day and just craves for a good night's rest. Heck, that's what she wants right about now if only she doesn't care so much about these kids.

"Are you sure you wouldn't want a photo?" Chris asks.

"She's a DC fan," Rhada, the Asian-looking girl comments.

"Oh!" Seb chuckles. "We have a rival in our midst." Chris elbows him to shut him up. He seems almost disconcerted by his friend's remark.

"Better a rival than an enemy," Rylee answers smiling.

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