"You Liar" (human 106 x human 096) (angst)

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tw: toxic spouse, panic attacks, mentions of suicide/suicide attempt, psych ward

096's name: shylock

106's name: lawrence(it's canon so i didn't need to tell you)

also they're boyfriends

Shylock's POV

I grabbed Larry's hand. "Can you stay here?" I asked. "Uh, why?" I took a deep breath. It had been a while since I last spoke up to anyone, especially Lawrence, about my suicidal thoughts. "I- I'm not in the right mindset to be alone." I looked up from the ground. "I've been having suicidal thoughts for the past few days and it just gets more and more tempting. Please, stay with me." His greenish hazel eyes looked up at me in shock and sympathy. "Promise you won't go to that party," I begged.

"I promise I won't go." I felt a weight be lifted off my shoulders. "Ah.... Thank you. Thank you so much." I smiled from ear to ear. He held my hand and took me to the couch, where we cuddled for a few minutes in silence. "Your hair is so soft..." Larry muttered. I grinned and shook my head. "Shut up," I said, noncommittally. "No, I'm good." I rolled my eyes at him and snuggled into the crook of his neck. He grabbed the remote and put on something for us to watch.

After a few hours of cuddling while watching horror films, Larry sat up. "I'm going to McDonald's. You want anything?" He asked. "Yeah, can you get me some fries?" He nodded and kissed me on the cheek. "Promise you won't hurt yourself while I'm gone?" He questioned. "Promise." I returned the kiss on the cheek. He grabbed his keys and left. And then I was alone.

I looked back to the T.V. and watched the remainder of the movie. I turned off the television after it was over and checked my phone. No notifications, as always. I scrolled through social media for a few minutes. Then half an hour. Half an hour turned to three hours, those three hours were filled with dread and worry.

I paced around the living room, anxiously waiting for Larry to get back. We didn't live in the middle of nowhere, so it shouldn't have taken him as long as it was for him to get back. I tried calling him for the fourth time that night. No answer. My hands began trembling and shaking uncontrollably as my chest felt like it was being squeezed.

"No, no, no no no. He's not coming home. He's dead, he.... He didn't go to that fucking party, did he?" I muttered to myself as I got dizzy. "Oh, my fucking god, he did. He went to that party even though I told him I needed him here! He doesn't care, he doesn't love me. It's so obvious!" I yelled at myself. I firmly rubbed my temples to prevent myself from screaming.

Lawrence stumbled into the house he and I shared. "You're home late. And you smell like beer. You said you wouldn't go to that party, Lawrence!" I half yelled at him. "It- It's finnne, don't worry about mee," My almost ex boyfriend said in a drunken stupor. "No, it's not fine. You promised you would stay here. You said you were just going to get something for us to eat." I bit his lower lip to avoid bursting into tears "You... you promised you would stay with me.... You lied to me, Lawrence...."

"Shyy, I'm sorry. I forgot-" "You forgot, my ass! You promised to stay after I told you that I was on the verge of killing myself! Get your ass out of here! You can crash at Aiden's place for all I care!" I yelled at him, not caring if I was crying anymore. If he didn't leave right then, two people would be dying that night.

"But... Shylock, I loove youu." Lawrence took a step closer to me. "Well, I don't. Get out of here. I don't want to see you ever again." I took a step back to avoid him getting close. "But if I leave, you won't see me for the rest of your life. You'll be dead after I leave," He said. "Good. I don't want to see you for the rest of my life. Now leave."

tw: suicide attempt!!! stop reading now if that makes you uncomfortable/triggers you!!!

At that time, he was mostly sober. I shoved him out of the house and locked the door. I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in. I heard the front door unlock, fucker didn't lose his keys. I blocked out his words the best I could and searched for anything that could hurt me. "Shylock! Where are you?! Please, don't hurt yourself," He begged. Eventually I found a razor. I held it up to my throat and...

"SHY!" Lawrence grabbed my wrist and forced the blade out of my hand. "GET AWAY FROM ME! LET GO!" I yelled. He wrapped his arms around my waist in a way that my arms were pressed against my torso. I sobbed as he restrained me, the combination of him being an ex-cop and me going limp involuntarily whenever I cried hard enough made it literally impossible for me to escape.

"Let go.... Let go...." My throat hurt so much that I could barely talk. "Shylock. Calm down." I didn't try escaping, I knew if I tried I would get hurt. "Let go of me..." I muttered, my voice raspy. "I'm afraid I can't do that." I tried squirming out of his arms one last time before giving up. I felt the floor underneath me sway as the world around me seemed to get darker.

I woke up in a hospital bed. Shouldn't I just be in a psych ward? I thought. I noticed I wasn't alone in the room. "Hey, Shy..." I heard that damn man say. "Don't talk to me. I'm still pissed." He looked up from the floor and nodded. "I know you hate me for that night. I hate myself for it. I was being stupid and I didn't want to stay home." I turned to the side so I didn't need to look at him.

"Shy, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I won't make excuses this time-" I whipped my head around to look this lying bastard in the eyes. "You say that every time you do something that's gonna fuck up my mental and emotional health, yet you always end up making excuses! I don't wanna hear whatever shitty excuse you have this time, I just want you to take ownership for your actions!" I bit my tongue to stop myself from yelling anymore. "I... hate your goddamn fucking guts," I spat out.

He looked shocked for a moment, but then grinned evilly. "If you hate me, I'll kick you out. I pay all the bills and the house is in my name, Shylock. You'll be living on the streets and you won't have a way to get a stable income. Now we don't want that, do we?" I could tell he was just trying to manipulate me into staying. My parents kicked me out when I came out and I had no other family. I had nowhere to go. I had no other choice than to stay. "Now try again. Do you hate me or love me?"

"Uhm, I love you..." I muttered. "What was that? I couldn't quite hear you~" I almost gagged. "I said I love you. Are you happy, asshole?!" I yelled. "Don't get snappy with me, Shy," He threatened me.

I looked around the room to see if there was a nurse, there was. "Excuse me? What time is it and what day is it?" I asked. The nurse checked her watch. "It's 10:20 AM and a monday." I turned back to Lawrence. "It's almost time for your shift. Why don't you go home and get ready?" He checked his phone and got up. "Love you, too. Bye." He left the nurse and I alone in the room.

A few minutes of silence passed before I finally said something. "Next time he tries to get in, could you say that you won't let him in?" I asked. "I'll see what the hospital can do." I knew what that meant. They wouldn't do anything. They never do anything.

At least I wasn't homeless.

im sorry for this

im pretty sure that uncle larry wouldnt canonically do that to anyone

buttt ya know

i love me some angsties 😫

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