Are you okay?

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POV. Harry

MORNINGS. AAAH, I hate mornings. Why can't they just let us sleep!

I'm staggering out of bed and gets Companied by Ron and Hermione as we start making our way to the great hall for breakfast. While we're Walking I start to remember the dream I had that night, It was about me and Draco, but we where older, like after school and settled down with kids kind of older. It just brought me into perspective. What if Draco and I would get married and live our lives together.

"Harry?, you okay?"

"Eh what, Oh yeah Hermione, I just got lost in thoughts, that's all" I was instantly pulled back into the present, what was I even thinking. Draco and I hadn't even got inside each others pants yet.yet. Omg I need to stop thinking and just enjoy the situation that I'm in now

"Good" Hermione smiled at me a bit knowingly but I ignored it

Ron licked his lips as we entered the hall and saw the four long tables stacked with every food you could possibly want. Walking towards the gryffindor table throw a glance at the Slytherins one. There, oh so perfect is Draco Malfoy sitting, sorry, translation- MY Draco Malfoy. He meets my gaze and smile, even if I tried I wouldn't be able to stop myself from smiling back. Ron, Hermione and I went to sit next to Seamus, Dean and Neville who where caught up in a conversation which Hermione instantly joined. Ron just started to pile up food on his plate without giving anyone else his attention, when he was done however, also he turned to join the others.

I wasn't really interested in their conversation so I just ate my food while thinking about that dream again. My head turned to the Slytherin table as I watched my prince enjoy breakfast. I just realized that I had been staring for a while when Dracos and my eyes locked. A bit surprised I turned quickly to talk to the others but than I remembered that he was actually my boyfriend and I could stare at him how much I wanted. Slowly but surely I turned back yo meet his eyes again and found him, still looking at me.

We stared for a quite long time at each other, forgetting to eat. After a while he gave me a questioning look and I shrugged, knowing he probably wondered why I had stared at him for so long. He nodded at the doors out of the hall and I nodded. Excusing myself I stood up and begun to walk towards the entrance, Neville said something like 'are u okay mate' but I didn't bother answer and pretended I didn't hear him instead.

I had barely rounded the corner as two strong armes pinned me to the wall, making me lose my breathe a second

"Are you okay?" Dracos husky morning voice was whispered in my ear and I shivered slightly. That's the only reason I actually get up in the morning, Draco. MY Draco. And his voice, and his sent, and his eyes.

"Yeah" I sigh, looking deeply in his eyes, they still look a bit tired "Why does everyone keep asking me that this morning" I said in a small laugh but Draco didn't look convinced.

"Hmm" he narrowed his eyes as if to really take a proper look on me "Did you sleep this night" the question was a bit accusing but when you know Draco it was easier to find the caring and concerned tone in his voice.

"A little, but I had this dream and it kept me up a bit"

"A nightmare" Draco stepped even closer and I could see the worried look in his eyes

"No, it was a really good dream but it gave me some thought that I couldn't stop thinking" I said and I instantly saw the worry switch to relief

"oh, good what was the dream about?" He stepped even closer and I could see my reflection in his eyes.

"Ehm, us" I looked down, not ashamed but not longer so confident. But when I didn't look at him he, he didn't say anything so after a second or so I looked back up to see a grin on his face. he stepped so close tis time that I could kiss him without having to lean forward. He tilted his head slowly so that he had access to the left side of my face. Then he leant forward to my ear and whispered

"That kind of dream" I shivered as a kiss was planted just under my ear

I didn't want to ruin the tension he had created so I just nodded, hoping he wouldn't ask more questions.

"who tops" he asked, now stepping back a little to meet my eyes again, I blush and pushes him lightly in the chest while he holds on to my shoulders

"you of course" I chuckle a bit, he always mock me because the great Harry Potter. the chosen one, The boy who lived... is a bottom. But I wouldn't say that I was planning to be the bottom n this relationship. But Draco can be pretty controlling... he is the type who would use handcuffs during sex.

we laugh with each other for a while, until Hermione and Ron comes out of the hall... arguing

Ron sees me standing with Draco, he elbows Hermione in the arm and also she finds me. Letting out a sigh, she steps up to us and Ron follows her.

"Harry" She sighs "you could have told us you where going with Draco when you left, we started to worry" Hermione turned to look at Ron who still had a cinnamon roll in his hans "well, the most of us anyway"

Ron looked up at her with a puzzled look "I knew he was fine"

"Yeah, right, and it wasn't so that you were stuck, eating the half of the gryffindor table"

"Guys stop" I laughed at them "Thank you Hermione for caring, Ron its okay, I was fine" The two smiled at me and then turned their attention to both me and Draco

"Classes start in a few minutes" Hermione said "Gryffindors have Herbology and I think Slytherin has Divination"

Draco let out a sigh "Amazing, with who?" The sarcasm in his voice was well known and I chuckled to myself

"Ravenclaw if I'm not wrong"

"Hermione, you are never wrong" I smiled at her while shaking my head slightly "That leaves us with Hufflepuff"

Hermione blushed and nodded, she started walking towards the greenhouses with Ron "u coming Harry?"

"Yes, but u can go, I catch up " after I waved them of, I met Dracos eyes again and wrapped my arms around his back, pulling him closer

"You sure you're okay" He smiles at me and rests his forehead against mine, he his taller than me so I have to tilt my head up to be able to keep looking at him

"Yes, a hundred percent" I tilt my head up a bit more so that his lips are just above mine, not even an inch apart

"good" With that, he catches my lips in the quickest of seconds "He gives me a grin and starts to walking away but with my arms, still around his back I pull him close again and he chuckle as one of my hands slides up to hold the bak of his neck

"Don't you dare" I say and smack our lips together in a desperate way. He pushes me harder against the wall and I gasp, he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth and for a while I fight for dominance but soon I give in and puts both my hands on his neck to hold him close. He has one hand on my waist and the other still on my shoulder, holding me in place

When we break apart we both are out of breath. He smiles at me as he loosens the grip on my shoulder and I can step away from the wall. I give him a quick hug and with that I wish him good luck and head after Ron and Hermione which probably is already at the greenhouses.

I turn my head just in time to see Draco stepping around the corner in the way to divination class

Teasing  | DRARRY |Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ