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"You can shower me
With your coldness
But I will always see past that
And sweep you of your feet"


The next day I wake up with a painful headache from yesterday's drinking.
I look at the clock and see that it's 5:30. Time to go to work.
I quickly do my morning routine, breakfast and get ready for the day.
I work as an assistant in a big company called 'Valentino Empire'. I never actually seen the boss, but all the girls are in love with him and his known as the 'Valentino the playboy'. But girls still sleep with him which is stupid if you ask me. What's the point of sleeping with him ONE time. Just so you can say to your friends that you did it?

As I take the buss and drive for 30 minutes I think of the stranger from the club. No not the pervert one. The Italian one. I remember his deep voice as he called me Tesoro and smart me went to google it. I suspected that he was not from America, but damn. Italian. I always had a thing for Italians. I don't  know what he meant when he said we will meet again but who cares. I will probably never see the guy again. And damn me if I did not go find Mimi after to tell her all about the mysterious hot stranger that  saved me the trouble of punching the pink shirt in the face in self defense.

At work time flies. I talk with my friends that I met because we work on the same department and do some stuff for  Mr. Ross and before I knew it, it's time to go home.

As I walked out of the building my phone rang.
It was my dad. Which was weird, he never calls. It probably means he wants something again. Which is usually money.
"Hey, Dad."
"Hey, Alaia. Honey you know I love you so much, right?"
"What do you want dad?"
"Please come home, mother and I have to talk to you."
"Okay, what did you do?"
"Just come home I can't explain it over phone."
"Yeah well that place is far from my home."
"Just come for family dinner at 9."
"Yeah fine. Whatever." I said and ended the call.
What. Fucking. Now?

My father was never a father figure. He would always come home drunk sometimes beat my mother but never me. She wouldn't let it. I always wonders why but she always said 'It's because I love him and we need a man in a house.'
How stupid of her. She never had a job. She is a housewife.
I could never be like her. Nor did I want to be. I don't understand how she can live her life depending on someone. I don't understand how she can spend all her life feeling like she can't take care of herself.
Anyway.. back to my father. He always had bills to pay because he always took someone else's money for drinks. That's why I started working so I could help.
He never wanted me to get a proper education and refused to pay for me to go to college.
So I studied hard and was at the top of my class and got a full scholarship on Yale.
I was so happy. Of course it was hard, but I was driven by my anger towards my parents.
I couldn't wait to go to college so I can go as far away from them as I can.
After few months at me being at college my parents were homeless (because my stupid father gave their house for a drink and gambling) so they asked if I could get the money if I quited and after that i blocked them and didn't hear from them until now. I just know that they got theyr house back. Somehow.

What do you think of Alaia's parents?
What do you think of her drive for success?


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