Suprise At Work

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Midnights POV
I was waking up slowly to the sun blinding my eyes. I got up off of the couch and headed up the stairs into my bedroom, I saw my phone sitting on the nightstand, I went to go check the time on it "7:45!? I WAS SUPPOST TO BE AT WORK BY 6:30! IM SUPPOST TO BE COVERING FOR AIZAWA" I put my phone down and ran to my wardrobe and got out my hero costume. I changed out of my PJ's and got into my clothes, I ran to the bathroom to freshen up a bit. I came outta the bathroom after I cleaned myself up, I hurried down the stairs and got my keys off of the table and went to open the door cuz I must have forgot to lock it yesterday. I went out and closed my door, I then ran to my car unlocking it and shutting the door as I got in. I started it up and rushed to work (Time skip cuz idk what to do here ;-;) as I drove in the car park, I finally found a space and parked. I quickly stopped the car, opened the door, closed it then locked it (I realised I talk alot about locking and unlocking stuff alot-) I ran into the school building.

3rd POV
Midnight rushed to class 1A As she opened up the door she was welcomed with a crowd of teenagers screaming and throwing stuff at eachother across the room, I face palmed myself as I walked in, the door shut behind me. They noticed I had came in and all quickly went back into their seats, I sighed. "Hello class, sorry I'm a bit late I had to uhm, run some errands" the class all nodded. "Okay so today were gonna be testing your quirks, were gonna pair u with sombody with then see how u do, were gonna go to the field to do this" Midnight said. Denki and mineta weren't really focusing on what Midnight was talking about, they were just staring at Midnight with bleeding noses as usual. So all of class 1A went to the field
In their hero costumes, let's just say she picked all the pairs cuz idk what to do here. (Time skip) everyone fought and stuff so it was all over, "Okay class, excellent work today! Now its time for lunch cuz the bell rang about 2 minutes ago so let's all head back now!" All class 1A agreed, so they all headed back into the school building, the students headed to the cafeteria for lunch and Midnight went into the teachers lounge, she opened the door and sat down while the rest of the teachers talked and ate.

Midnights POV
I was in such a rush this morning that I forgot to pack my lunch, it's fine tho I'm not really hungry anyways. Principal Nezu came in and turned to me then said "Mrs Midnight theres sombody here to talk to you, their outside waiting for you" I gave him a confused look and said "Uh okay, I'll go see them now" he nodded, came in and sat down, I walked out the door and walked to the front doors of the school building, I opened up the door and saw her "M-Mt Lady?"

And that's the end of chapter 2, I didnt really have any ideas for this so I just wrote what I had in mind
Sorry if it wasnt good?
This was kinda short, idk when the next part will be out cause I just write when I feel like it
Anyways bai :]
Words: 611

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